Its value, in other words, is largely contingent on what someone else is willing to pay for it.
Those big sums are rightly called "bio bucks, " because they are contingent on future successes.
Final approval will be contingent on Lilly fixing problems that have dogged its manufacturing plants.
The Secondary Reason: we refer to help the business (contingent on the Primary Reason being true).
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The prospectus reveals over and over that future growth is contingent on its international expansion.
Ending the missile defense system, one official said, is not contingent on having Moscow's help.
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Our capacity for meaningful change is contingent on understanding the nature of the problem.
By making insurance contingent on smoke detectors, insurers cut down on deaths and losses from building fires.
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Moreover, approval was contingent on Orphan setting up a system that carefully controls who gets the drug.
Our rule-following nature is contingent on our social development (though no less contingent than our goal-seeking nature).
That is, all he said was that Israel's support for Palestinian statehood is contingent on Palestinian behavior.
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Second, the tax credit has not helped the poorest families much, because it is contingent on work.
The President said this morning that his vacation plans are going to be contingent on the Senate vote.
The closing of the transaction is also contingent on the consummation of Sprint's previously announced transaction with SoftBank.
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Contingent on raising the necessary funds, the group intends to increase its corps of volunteers tenfold by 2013.
Ignon kept emphasizing to me that the executive bonuses are contingent on maximizing the value of the company.
Another turned down admission to Colgate University because it was contingent on continuing to play football, the lawsuit said.
The trick is that the tax breaks must be contingent on the outcome that fiscal conservatives claim will occur.
This agreement is contingent on the expected summer closing of Verizon's proposed spectrum transactions with SpectrumCo, Cox and Leap.
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Higher education should continue to be free at the point of delivery with repayments contingent on income after graduation.
For Zweig, behavior is contingent on circumstance: time and again, protagonists declare themselves powerless to change a course of action.
The center said setting up a fund is contingent on finding a bank partner and donors to cover administrative costs.
That means buyers who can offer all cash have a leg up over those who make offers contingent on financing.
Boeing executives could not give a definitive time frame for Dreamliner's return to service, as it is contingent on safety approvals.
The central government also restructured some debt owed to it by the states and made these handouts contingent on better behaviour.
And one more thing: the deal is apparently contingent on there being no changes to the federal laws regarding interstate commerce.
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The provision, included in the new budget legislation, will also make annual state education aid increases contingent on having an evaluation system.
We propose making the other half (7%) contingent on proof of a pension, an IRA, a 401(k) or some other savings account.
Policy makers for whom the pursuit of victory is contingent on intelligence beyond their reach make intelligence a scapegoat for their own incompetence.
David Moss of Harvard Business School proposes to make the repayment of a student loan contingent on the borrower's income in later life.