But downward pressure on wages in rich countries could continue for a long time.
If the well is indeed sealed, the environmental damage, and restrictions on fishing, will still continue for a long time.
ECONOMIST: Nerves are fraying a month after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill
And I think -- well, it is our hope and our strong belief that that is a role that Egypt will continue to play for a long time going forward.
"We have to continue these measurements for a long time, we do not know what will happen to the next harvest or the harvest after that, " he explains.
If it's a situation where you think it's going to continue for a long period of time, you want to potentially think about selling the property, as hard as that decision might be.
The conversation would continue, often for a very long time.
Wherever the debate ends up, you can see why people in the City would be expecting the cheap money era to continue in the UK for a long time to come.
It's possible that they can continue this economic progress for a long time without having to get to the kind of, you know, communications and education revolution that we enjoy, particularly in the United States.
Hutchison Telecom started in mobile phones about 22 years ago, but I still believe ordinary 2G has at least another 10 good years of business. 3G is very young compared with 2G, and we believe that it will continue to be widely adopted for a long time to come.
Bigger law firms will continue to use Westlaw and Lexis for a long time.
That said, NASA expects Curiosity to continue exploring the Red Planet for a long, long time to come.
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It will continue to dominate the world of entertainment for a long time to come, and maybe for ever.
The question for the AG was whether someone who was going to be away from his home for a really long time could continue to qualify.
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Global investors will likely remain underweight in the yen for a long time, and fresh demand for the currency will continue to drop.
For a long time to come, some parts of the continent will continue to make legitimate demands on the conscience of the rich world.
"Stores continue to trade and at this time we remain hopeful of securing a long-term future for HMV as a going concern, " said Nick Edwards, joint administrator at Deloitte.