Your words were hollow and your attitude in the dock today shows no contrition.
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For this, and for disrespecting the national pastime with his alleged deceptions, fans want his contrition.
The head coach of the Chinese badminton team, Li Yongbo, expressed contrition for what had happened.
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The head coach of the Chinese badminton team, Li Yongbo, expressed contrition for what happened.
At a time when its erstwhile titans could do with displaying contrition, signs of hubris abound.
ECONOMIST: What will it take for bankers to show a little remorse?
The second reason to contemplate English withdrawal is to make a real gesture of national contrition.
The costume was swiftly condemned by other politicians, some of whom continued to question Mr. Hikind's contrition.
There should be outrage at his mistaken beliefs, his senseless actions and his complete lack of contrition.
He expressed regret over previous mistakes and came close to contrition over disasters such as the millennium dome.
If you fail to issue a speedy apology, we will look forward to your next article--on humility and contrition.
Announcing his decision to stand down, the former general was full of contrition.
An antagonistic, defiant attitude that showed little contrition or remorse over its actions.
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After years of bare-faced denials, such bare-faced contrition seemed something of a breakthrough.
But while insufficiency of contrition may leave the soul still scarred, unexpiated sin proves no crimes and justifies no impeachments.
Another reason for hope, perhaps, is the spirit of contrition among the agencies that have been fighting malaria for years.
Does either side really imagine that anyone is impressed by the synthetic anger and faux contrition displayed on these occasions?
The contrition has become a familiar refrain for GM execs, at least since the company started repaying government handouts in 2009.
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By then, I had found out who Borges was, and my second letter was full of contrition and pleas for forgiveness.
Murdoch would preside over an exclusive, reap the reward, and, if necessary, express contrition, while his underlings readied themselves for the next scoop.
America's ex-president Bill Clinton and Britain's former prime minister, Tony Blair, were skilled in the theatre of public contrition on issues such as slavery.
As long as a public figure is willing to admit fault and demonstrate some level of contrition, Americans at some point will generally forgive.
The letter was long enough for contrition, but still was short.
By embracing Sir William's report in spite of its flaws, he has given the Lawrences the show of national contrition which they deserved and expected.
Contrition is a remedy for sin and is certainly appropriate here.
Vick has already been rewarded for his professed contrition with another shot at the NFL. He should be thrilled that he's back as the Eagles starting quarterback.
The firm's contrition was not universally accepted online, with commenters on both Facebook pages expressing disbelief that the poster was printed and shipped to Bangkok by mistake.
The latest declaration comes amid a continuing effort by John Paul II to begin the millennium with prayers of contrition for wrongs committed by Roman Catholics throughout the ages.
Mr Hague's great insight is to realise that what they chiefly want is for the party that lorded it over them for so long to demonstrate an extravagant contrition.
In the video posted on AKB48's official website, she said she had made the decision to shave off her long hair to show contrition for her "thoughtless and immature" actions.
This masochistic exercise in conspicuous Conservative contrition is not quite over but is drawing to a merciful close, and Mr Lilley appears to have got the gist of what Britons think.