Democrats, who control the chamber, privately say that's not something they are likely to allow.
Senate Democrats, who currently control the chamber, have a very different prescription-drug plan for Medicare.
Even in the Senate, where Democrats control the chamber, Democratic leadership sources told CNN that passing any new legislation will be extremely difficult.
CNN: Obama-backed gun bills considered a long shot in Congress
Bersani's forces control the Chamber of Deputies, but not the Senate.
Republicans need to win 40 seats to take back control of the chamber.
In the House, Democrats added to their 2006 gains, when they picked up more than two dozen seats and took control of the chamber.
The Michigan Republican has been the principal architect of House GOP tax plans since the party took control of the chamber after the 2010 elections.
Meanwhile, the Senate Republicans who share control of the chamber slammed Cuomo's budget for extending the life of a tax on businesses that was to expire.
Elimination of the estate tax has remained on the House GOP leadership's agenda since the party took control of the chamber in the wake of the 1994 midterm elections.
CNN: House passes estate tax repeal that could meet up with Clinton veto pen
Somewhat contradictorily, they are decrying the attack on the Senate's traditions even as they threaten similar acts of vengeance should they win control of the chamber at the next election.
ECONOMIST: Bickering and stalemate loom for America��s new Congress
Libous and the Senate Republicans who share control of the chamber haven't acted on a bill by the Assembly's Democratic majority for a moratorium on fracking as more studies are completed.
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, decided to make the patients' bill of rights the first major piece of legislation taken up since Democrats took control of the chamber earlier this month.
He won a third term in 2008, and his conservative coalition has control of both the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
CNN: Berlusconi has fractured nose, broken teeth after attack
Republicans control the House of Representatives - the lower chamber of Congress - but not the Senate.
BBC: Congress delays US government shutdown over budget cuts
Letta's center-left forces, while winning a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, failed to control the Senate, forcing the Democratic Party, after weeks of embarrassing infighting, to forge an alliance with Berlusconi.
With control of the House comes the ability to set the chamber's agenda, and a stronger hand in setting Congress' legislative agenda.
The DPJ and its partner can lose a majority in the chamber and still remain in power because they control the more powerful lower house.
Later, Downing Street sought to play down the Commons clash, saying that the Prime Minister had known of the impending resignation - but he believed that confirming this to the chamber would leave the party open to accusations of control freakery.
Concern on the Labour benches relates to growing criticism that the government will open itself up to charges of "control freakery" and cronyism by allowing a majority of members in the reformed chamber to be appointed.
Democrats control the Senate, but if Republicans pick off these seats they could take the chamber.
The Democratic Party and its centre-left allies won a narrow victory in the Chamber of Deputies, but the Senate appears split with no party in control.
There are signs, including a rather large billboard in Times Square, that SOPA allies like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and movie and recording interests are still committed to fighting for more control over Internet content, ostensibly to further reduce copyright infringement online.
FORBES: Another Fall, Another Push By SOPA Supporters As Congress Returns
Evidently, this misconduct was deemed necessary because, even with control of both the House and Senate infriendly hands, President Obama required Republican votes in the upper chamber to secure passage of his repeal initiative.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How Congress Was Duped into Repealing Military Gay Ban