At the Fukushima Daiichi plant, cooling systems failed in the aftermath of an earthquake and tsunami when electrical power was lost.
Water from Hurricane Sandy rose almost 7 feet above normal, threatening the water intake structure that pumps cooling water through the plant.
The power plant's cooling systems failed after the quake and tsunami, leading to the reactors overheating.
The nuclear power plant's cooling towers still loom over the farms and small towns that line Pennsylvania's Susquehanna River.
Rats were also believed to have caused two power cuts in the last month, shutting down some of the plant's cooling systems for spent fuel pools.
That was to prevent a repeat of the hydrogen explosions that blew radiation out of the plant soon after cooling systems failed in the wake of the tsunami.
Often the only cooling source in a manufacturing plant or warehouse was a ceiling fan, with a yellow ribbon tied to the blade so that people could see that it was really going around.
Some 110, 000 people living around the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant were evacuated after the massive March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami knocked out the plant's power and cooling systems, causing meltdowns in three reactors and spewing radiation into the surrounding air, soil and water.
Hours earlier, the plant operator switched off a reactor cooling system after discovering rats near critical equipment.
The plant ceased power generation in 2004 and its cooling towers were demolished in 2007.
After this, excavation work can start to lay the foundations of the nuclear plant including two underground 3km tunnels for the cooling water.
The massive quake knocked out cooling systems to reactors at the country's Fukushima nuclear plant.
Power has been restored to part of the cooling system at Japan's tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant, after it failed for the second time in a month.
Geever says for years groups like his have tried to shut down the power plant because its so-called once-through cooling system kills tons of marine life.
Shunned by investors on Monday on fears that the nuclear crisis going on in Japan, as reactors explode and melt down after the horrendous earthquake and ensuing tsunami damaged cooling capacities, stocks from uranium miners to generator designers to plant builders have topped the charts for biggest losers.
FORBES: Uranium And Nuclear Stocks Feel The Shock Waves Of Fukushima Meltdown
Rather than letting the heat escape, a cogeneration plant uses the excess energy to power a heating and cooling system.
In a cover letter, NMFS regional administrator John Bullard cautioned that the study applies only to the way the Indian Point reactors currently operate, using the screens to block fish from being drawn into the plant with the millions of gallons of river water used for cooling.
The plant has had a couple of alarming accidents, including a dramatic cooling tower collapse in August of 2007.
In the past month, Fukushima nuclear plant has experienced two power outages that shut down some of its cooling systems for spent fuel ponds.
"No nuclear power plant has ever considered the inability to get on long-term core cooling for more than a week, much less three weeks, " Friedlander said.
About 160, 000 people had to be evacuated from the area around the nuclear plant, where meltdowns occurred at three reactors after tsunami waters knocked out cooling systems.
The six-reactor Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was badly damaged after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems to reactors, leading to meltdowns and the release of radioactivity.
Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi plant are attempting to remove highly radioactive water from a reactor building to allow repair work to the cooling systems knocked out on 11 March.