He emphasized first-time quality because, he says, correcting defects makes up 10% to 15% of product cost.
Eliminate all subsidies for all fuels, thereby correcting yet another market distortion called government failure.
FORBES: A Conservative, Small-Government Strategy For Fighting Climate Change
Hunting down and correcting misspellings, for example, can be a time-consuming process with voice-recognition.
You come to make better decisions by making not-so-good decisions and then correcting them.
The housing market may already be self-correcting, and we should be wary of any over-correction.
Making and correcting errors is important to how the brain adapts to a new task.
Correcting malfunctioning genes could perhaps cure diseases linked to a single gene, such as sickle-cell anemia.
It is important to be seen as engaged and active in correcting a problem.
"We're still in the afterglow" of "The Hunger Games, " he said, before quickly correcting himself.
Volunteers have begun correcting the shape of the 260ft (79m) figure, which overlooks Weymouth Bay.
Currently Enterprise systems ship with Error Correcting Code (ECC) memory, but most consumer systems do not.
Precious metals dropped Friday, and have been correcting steadily from the early October highs.
Part of the great strength of partnerships was their ability to be self-monitoring and self-correcting.
Here are some speculations on correcting SSTs to partly explain the 1940s warming blip.
Defenders paint touting as merely the market's way of correcting artificially low ticket prices.
The snag is that in correcting one sort of unfairness, they risk introducing others.
In case after case, both phones got it right, or close enough to require little correcting.
Instead of correcting market failures, federal subsidies misallocate resources and introduce government failures into the marketplace.
FORBES: Where to Cut the Federal Budget? Start by Killing Corporate Welfare
Correcting typos, making sure sentences are whole, perhaps rewriting the occasional line to make it flow.
Longer term, everyone knows that correcting government finances requires reforms to both social welfare programs and taxes.
Several sectors have been correcting since the January highs, however, and may be close to turning around.
The daily relative performance broke its downtrend, line e, in January but has been recently correcting.
The judge also ordered a hearing to address correcting inadequacies in the program's training, supervision and monitoring.
Lee Scott -- were more concerned about damage control from the matter than about correcting the situation.
Can you identify a U.S. politician equal to the task of comprehending, let alone correcting, the changes?
For women entrepreneurs who value relationships within the company, the mere thought of correcting employees can be paralyzing.
President Obama has mentioned correcting this problem on several occasions, but still no significant action has been taken.
There is simply no other way to properly value any investment than to start by correcting this distortion.
And for the past four weeks, the stock market has reflected the state of angst by correcting lower.
This resulted in slower economic growth and less spending, thereby correcting the outflow of funds to the neighbor.
FORBES: Occupy Wall Streeters Should Be Livid About Losing The Gold Standard