On Monday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius ordered the civil servants in the CMS to depart from past practice and assume a congressional fix to the scheduled drastic cuts in Medicare doctor reimbursement rates when calculating the cost adjustment.
Instead, it is using an inflation index it has developed, called the Higher Education Cost Adjustment, which is designed to take into account the cost of the goods and services purchased by colleges and universities, and which is consistently higher than CPI.
Those calling for immediate action may be right that losses should fall mainly on creditors in the form of higher inflation and fiscal transfers since the alternative of forcing citizens of indebted countries to bear the cost of adjustment is politically impossible and likely to lead to a collapse in the euro.
So, the senator proposes reducing the cost of living adjustment by 1 percent.
CNN: Budget cutters take hard look at Social Security - Sept. 27, 1995
Can a lower cost of living adjustment be sold to the public?
CNN: Budget cutters take hard look at Social Security - Sept. 27, 1995
The consumer price index, which determines that cost of living adjustment, is too generous, according to a study commissioned by the Senate Finance Committee.
CNN: Budget cutters take hard look at Social Security - Sept. 27, 1995
She doesn't count much on the annual cost of living adjustment.
CNN: Budget cutters take hard look at Social Security - Sept. 27, 1995
Members of Congress are talking about reducing the cost of living adjustment for Social Security, and it no longer seems to be such a political taboo.
CNN: Budget cutters take hard look at Social Security - Sept. 27, 1995
To enable the Railroad Retirement Board to adjust the amount of benefits payable under the Railroad Retirement Act at the time the cost of living adjustment is applied.
As a consequence, technically, seniors were not eligible for a Cost of Living Adjustment, to have it go up because prices did not go up in the aggregate.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
Even if a person is fortunate enough to have a pension, many pension plans do not have a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) provision, so purchasing power goes down each year.
Mary Vanek, executive director of the Public Employees Retirement Association in Minnesota, which reduced the cost of living adjustment from 2.5% to 1%, said potential lawsuits were a concern considered amid the rollback.
Each year when the Social Security Administration announces the Cost Of Living Adjustment to benefits for the coming year, with similar ballyhoo they announce the maximum benefit amount available for the coming year.
FORBES: How Is The Maximum Social Security Benefit Calculated?
So if you consider, like, the adjustment to cost of living for Social Security beneficiaries, is there a commitment or desire by the President to make sure that money is kept to shore up Social Security, not as part of the broader package?
The way Social Security is set up is each year there's a cost-of-living adjustment.
The way the system works is you automatically get a cost-of-living adjustment based on the inflation rate.
Earlier this month, President Barack Obama proposed to tweak the formula for calculating the cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, for Social Security recipients.
WSJ: Refiguring Inflation With 'Chained CPI' Will Hit Retirees' Income
Starting at the end of December, millions of Social Security recipients will start to see higher payments due to the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase.
We expect that people will be getting a cost-of-living adjustment this year because there has been some significant inflation, particularly in food and fuel prices.
Implementing pro-growth reforms as part of the fiscal adjustment process can minimize any economic cost that budget cuts may have.
FORBES: There Is Good And Bad Austerity, And Italy Chose Bad
Not until page 30 of the 84-page document can investors determine that they also will incur an "accrued holding rate" of 0.7% (adjusted quarterly) and an "accrued index adjustment factor" fee of 0.5% implying a total annual cost of 1.65%, or more than triple the reported fee.