Cosy log cabins and romantic cottages with heated spas and open fireplaces continue the charm factor.
Three apartments have small but cosy bedrooms and sitting rooms, and fully equipped kitchens.
Guests then get cosy at the eco-friendly Whichaway camp, which is completely solar- and wind-powered.
Today, many sassi have been restored and transformed into cosy abodes, restaurants and swish cave-hotels.
Cells have been converted into cosy rooms, while the cloister houses an open-air bar.
It was Balkan-style crony capitalism, creating far too cosy a relationship between politics and big business.
But the extra competition they bring hits market share for companies used to cosy national monopolies.
Yet overlooking all the action is Wesele, a wonderfully cosy, country-cottage style restaurant.
But some believe the bus companies have too cosy a life at the moment.
You get the impression of a cosy circle, which is not uncommon in literature.
He said Ms Pearson felt "cosy" living amid the terrible and chaotic household conditions.
The field of Kingsley Amis studies is, if not yet overcrowded, at least getting cosy.
The potential revenues from cosy arrangements between Wall Street and its friends were enormous.
The idea is that long relationships can lead to over-cosy ties and lax audits.
Dominant families, byzantine corporate structures and overly cosy political relationships leave minority shareholders at a disadvantage.
True, but in the meantime, Turkey, Israel and, perhaps, Jordan have quite a cosy arrangement.
French colonial rule was handed over to a cosy coalition, which became the Socialist Party.
Large, 52sqm rooms are classically elegant, in typical Ritz-Carlton style with richly stained wood furnishings and cosy feather beds.
Clearly, the Commonwealth is as cosy a club as only the British could devise.
ECONOMIST: The Commonwealth has principles. It should defend them
And he has started to cosy up to several left-wing mayors whose ambitions he used to mock.
And after returning with a cosy triumph over two-and-a-half miles, trainer Dusty Sheehy is in positive mood.
A. (for Albert, although he prefers to be called Al) Alvarez would hate to be thought cosy.
High nickel prices, buoyant revenues from tourism and cosy relations with oil-rich Venezuela have improved matters dramatically.
Among those on the cosy investment committee were Sir Allen's father and a neighbour with cattle-ranching experience.
America's small, local banks are unlikely to die out, but their life has become much less cosy.
Walking in to the small but cosy radio studio, I felt a stream of excitement pour over me.
But the cosy relationship between shop window and inventory owner may not be all that appealing to customers.
However, it will depend on how willing institutional investors are to abandon their old ways and cosy relationships.
There are plenty of volunteers willing to donate cells or provide a cosy womb for the cloned creation.
For decades, it has been run as a cosy cartel by De Beers, a South African mining giant.