The Council of the European Union has suggested moving the date of the European elections from 5-8 June to avoid it clashing with the Pentecost holiday.
The plan, drawn up by the Council of the European Union, makes broad statements on how to improve European cyber crime-fighting, including inviting countries to introduce remote searches if they are already provided for under national law.
With the Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, EU Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard has invited ministers from AOSIS, LDCs and a number of Latin American countries to discuss potential 'next steps', and how the existing cooperation can be strengthened.
But he or she is expected to chair EU summits, take on some of the functions of the current presidency of the Council of the European Union - held on a rotating six-month basis by EU heads of government - and represent the EU on common foreign and security policy.
The 10 individuals affected by EU sanctions will not be named until Tuesday, but the council of the European Union said it condemned "in the strongest terms the ongoing repression in Syria and the unacceptable violence used by the military and security forces against peaceful protesters which have lead to hundreds of fatalities".
The Council of Ministers of the European Union approved a draft directive to that effect in June.
The Commission will present its paper on cybercrime to the Council of Ministers of the European Union (EU) and to the European Parliament.
The Ministerial Conference followed the international experts' working group, consisting of representatives of Ministries of Culture, and proposed to establish a new unified ministerial platform on culture and development in South-Eastern Europe, in cooperation with UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Union, and with the goal to advance common objectives and create synergies amongst the various existing ministerial cooperation mechanisms.
Despite the fact that only a minority of the 27 support it, the European Union's Council of Finance Ministers adopted the proposal in January 2013.
The 47 judges of the European Court of Human Rights, one for each member of the Council of Europe (not to be confused with the European Union), are elected by the council's parliamentary assembly.
"The UN Security Council seat, our membership of the European Union, our leadership in Nato, our nuclear deterrent, our strong armed forces, they are all things that belong to the whole of the United Kingdom, " he said.
BBC: Scottish independence: David Cameron in referendum offer
Their first task would be to persuade the West - the European Union, the Council of Europe, Nato, and individual Western governments - that they are serious about promoting a more democratic political culture.
The Commission agreed and the European Union's Council of Finance Ministers adopted the proposal in January 2013.
BBC: Financial transaction tax tabled by European Commission
In 2010, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report listed 19 organizations with ongoing initiatives that influence cybersecurity and governance, including the International Telecommunication Union, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, the International Organization for Standardization, and the Internet Engineering Task Force.
FORBES: Congress Needs to Go Back To School on Cyber Legislation
The Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg, is an entirely separate entity from the European Union.
UKIP, whose main policy is for the UK to leave the European Union, gained about 25% of votes in the council seats it contested in England's local elections on Thursday.
The UK Independence Party, whose main policy is for the UK to leave the European Union, gained about 25% of votes in the council seats it contested in England's local elections on Thursday.
This week the European Union's Council of Ministers failed to agree on one important proposal, and accepted another that may actually undermine rather than foster innovation.
ECONOMIST: The EU's attempt to harmonise patent law is in a mess
The British guide to what the French really mean has a narrower aim: it was written specifically for officials attending the meetings of the European Union's Council of Ministers, where diplomats haggle over legal texts.
ECONOMIST: Decoding a Euro-diplomat takes more than a dictionary
On Ms. Merkel's insistence, much of this week's summit will be taken up with discussions of proposals by the presidents of the European Council, European Commission, ECB and Eurogroup for banking, fiscal and political union.
The result was an agreement by the United Nations, European Union, the governments of 74 countries, the World Diamond Council -- representing the industry -- and a number of interest groups such as Global Witness.
The Chicago Council survey found that when asked about the present and future global influence of eight big countries and the European Union, most Indians see America as the most influential both now and in 2016 (India came second).
The European Council looks set to approve the first stage of a eurozone banking union at its meeting in late June.