For one thing, the collective-dominance doctrine has been weakened in the EU's own Court of First Instance.
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The new bill would abolish the prosecution's right to appeal against acquittals by the court of first instance.
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Poland has filed a suit in the EU Court of First Instance, located in Luxembourg, opposing Brussels' original acceptance of the merger.
BBC: NEWS | Business | EU and Poland clash on bank deal
Microsoft promptly lodged an appeal with the EU's Court of First Instance (CFI), which on September 17th upheld the European Commission's 2004 decision.
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But Vinje doubts that the European Court of First Instance, the EU's second highest tribunal to which Intel is lodging its appeal, will take that allegation.
FORBES: Market Scan
On Wednesday, judges at the European Court of First Instance said the fact Germans said "vest" and not "west" did not lessen the confusion with the merchandise of a pop group many would know as "Vestlife".
BBC: Judges said the similarity with West was enough to confuse
Schneider also took the case up with the European Court of First Instance, which ruled Wednesday that the company should be paid back for two-thirds of its losses brought on by the delay in its EU-ordered divestiture.
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"The fact that he said this is a pretty clear sign that there's a worrying division which is opening up between Europe and the U.S. on this matter, " said Alec Burnside, a legal adviser to software association CompTIA, which supported Microsoft in the European Court of First Instance.
FORBES: Magazine Article
"We will not appeal the Court of First Instance's decision to the European Court of Justice and will continue to work closely with the commission and the industry to ensure a flourishing and competitive environment for information technology in Europe and around the world, " Microsoft said in a press release on Monday morning.
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Judiciary spokesman Gholamhussein Elham said the court of the first instance must "correct procedural failings and issue a new judgement" - which, he said, "could be the same as the first".
BBC: Profile: Hashem Aghajari
The Egyptian Court system is composed of a number of tiers: Courts of First Instance, Court of Appeal, and the Court of Cassation at the apex of the judiciary.
UNESCO: Database 4: Legislation and guidelines