• For one thing, the collective-dominance doctrine has been weakened in the EU's own Court of First Instance.

    ECONOMIST: Britney, meet Michael | The

  • The new bill would abolish the prosecution's right to appeal against acquittals by the court of first instance.

    ECONOMIST: Italy's prime minister and the law

  • Poland has filed a suit in the EU Court of First Instance, located in Luxembourg, opposing Brussels' original acceptance of the merger.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | EU and Poland clash on bank deal

  • Microsoft promptly lodged an appeal with the EU's Court of First Instance (CFI), which on September 17th upheld the European Commission's 2004 decision.

    ECONOMIST: Windows open to the developers

  • But Vinje doubts that the European Court of First Instance, the EU's second highest tribunal to which Intel is lodging its appeal, will take that allegation.

    FORBES: Market Scan

  • On Wednesday, judges at the European Court of First Instance said the fact Germans said "vest" and not "west" did not lessen the confusion with the merchandise of a pop group many would know as "Vestlife".

    BBC: Judges said the similarity with West was enough to confuse

  • Schneider also took the case up with the European Court of First Instance, which ruled Wednesday that the company should be paid back for two-thirds of its losses brought on by the delay in its EU-ordered divestiture.

    FORBES: You CAN Fight City Hall

  • "The fact that he said this is a pretty clear sign that there's a worrying division which is opening up between Europe and the U.S. on this matter, " said Alec Burnside, a legal adviser to software association CompTIA, which supported Microsoft in the European Court of First Instance.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "We will not appeal the Court of First Instance's decision to the European Court of Justice and will continue to work closely with the commission and the industry to ensure a flourishing and competitive environment for information technology in Europe and around the world, " Microsoft said in a press release on Monday morning.

    FORBES: EU's Hard Line Cows Microsoft

  • Judiciary spokesman Gholamhussein Elham said the court of the first instance must "correct procedural failings and issue a new judgement" - which, he said, "could be the same as the first".

    BBC: Profile: Hashem Aghajari

  • The Egyptian Court system is composed of a number of tiers: Courts of First Instance, Court of Appeal, and the Court of Cassation at the apex of the judiciary.

    UNESCO: Database 4: Legislation and guidelines

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