Indeed, the courtly South Carolinian's 42-year tenure represents one-fifth of the Senate's own 208-year history.
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Tall, soft-spoken, and courtly, Woolley moves easily between the City of London, academia, and policymaking circles.
He was a courtly, gentle and considerate man, never known to slight or embarrass others.
He also is frequently lauded by people who do business with him as courtly and smooth.
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Yet Peter, as this courtly old-school gentleman didn't mind being called, was inherently personal in his communications.
This ancient fascination with courtly power has in no way been diminished by monarchy's decline in modern times.
Still, you've got to wonder whatever happened to the old-fashioned pitch letter--or courtly introductions over the ninth hole.
Consider that almost none of the religious, courtly, and domestic objects in the Met wing were created for exhibition.
The 65-year-old Mr. Hawkins, who started Southeastern in 1975, is slightly built, white-haired and courtly, said people who know him well.
And the person who fascinated me most was this man of Japanese descent with one arm, speaking in this courtly baritone, full of dignity and grace.
But a number of attorneys and judges say courtly conduct has collapsed over the years, particularly in the more fractious realms of the profession, like divorce proceedings.
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Large but soft-shoed, bearish but courtly, Keillor pads around, controlling a flow of comedy and music performed by a cast that includes Meryl Streep, who looks great and sings well, and Woody Harrelson and John C.
For the Royal Ballet of Cambodia, the complications were compounded by its country's French protectorate status, which from the late-19th to the middle of the 20th century resulted in a reduction of support for the courtly art.
Which is why it may be appropriate that the courtly Franklin Delano Raines, who has been head of the Office of Management and Budget for less than a year and has no experience in the political warfare of shutdowns and put-downs, is sitting at the head of the table.