Given the circumstances surrounding the hacking scandal, this may provide a bit of cover for the board to suggest some fresh faces all around.
Most prepaid plans require either the parent or the child to be a resident of the state offering the plan and don't cover room, board and other expenses.
Beach has told his offspring that he will cover the room and board for college, but they will have to come up with the tuition.
While the participation in the course is free, the participants are expected to cover their room and board expenses in the duration of the training.
While the participation in the course is free, the participants will be expected to cover their room and board expenses in the duration of the training.
It would feed news gathered from bureaus in Chicago (which will cover the Merc and Board of Trade) and Washington, as well as overseas bureaus he plans to open in Sydney and London.
Transfer the pork loin to a carving board, and cover with a large piece of tented foil.
The council's executive board was asked to cover his costs and has agreed to do so.
That sum wouldn't cover a beefy lineman's board for two weeks.
The authority's executive board has agreed it should cover his legal costs citing the "exceptional circumstances" involved.
Recall that traditional athletic scholarships typically cover tuition, fees, room, board and books.
FORBES: Student-Athlete Stipends Must Be Equitably Allocated
Ultimately, they would uncover a massive fraud and cover-up involving senior executives and board members, some of whom went to prison for obstruction.
Whenever the ambient heat reaches your set comfort level (which can be controlled from the web or a smartphone app), the fan will shut off and the insulating cover -- described to us as ironing board material -- will prevent additional heat from escaping.
Three decades of scalps, resulting from some of the most famous hostile takeovers, proxy fights and board assaults in American financial history, cover every cranny of his wood-lined corridors.
FORBES: Carl Icahn Unleashed: Wall Street's Richest Man Is On The Attack -- Just Ask Michael Dell
He was on board trying to get to New Jersey to cover a Miami Dolphins football game.
When rate hikes slam bond prices across the board, plenty of Treasurys have been handy to cover short positions.
The workshops, developed collaboratively by UNESCO, Secretariat of the Pacific Board for Educational Assessment (SPBEA) and UNICEF, cover many aspects of teacher education and professional development programmes.
He also questioned why an independent Accountability Review Board that investigated the attacks didn't expand its probe to cover decisions made higher up the chain of command.
He also asked why a State Department review board that investigated the attacks didn't expand its probe to cover decisions made higher up the chain of command.
Previous reviews were piecemeal, covering roughly five departments a year, but this one will be across-the-board: a powerful cabinet committee will review categories of spending that cover more than one department.
Rather than pay for the full fix itself, which requires a new circuit board for every affected lock, Onity has asked its hotel customers to cover the cost of those hardware replacements.
FORBES: Security Flaw In Common Keycard Locks Exploited In String Of Hotel Room Break-Ins