And through the static and crackle of their radios Alpha Troop heard that another unit was in trouble.
Consumers can easily discover content in the Crackle App by browsing by movies, TV and originals or by genre.
Crackle reaches an impressive audience through its diverse online and mobile distribution network.
This felt warm and nostalgic, like the crackle of vinyl on a record player, or a good Robert DeNiro movie.
It was freezing cold -- and silent, except for the crackle of their radios and the crunch of snow under their boots.
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The unmistakable crackle and hiss of needle upon vinyl filled the room.
It pays tribute to their longevity, highlights their rich repertoire and shows how, forty years on, their live shows still crackle with energy.
Scattered about our tents are antiques: Persian rugs, pith helmets, four-poster beds, and gramophones that crackle and squeak to the accompaniment of the chirping crickets outside.
And that's without factoring in the huge quality improvements that have removed the snap, crackle and pop noise featured as regular background fare on vinyl records.
Since its launch, the Crackle app has garnered top rankings on the iPhone, iPad and iPod, as well as Sony and other manufacturers' Android phones and tablets.
Crackle has also re-launched the app across all of its existing mobile platforms with an upgraded user experience based on collective feedback from its 11 million plus users.
In addition the Crackle App offers 1, 000 full-length television episodes.
Providing high-quality video streaming, the Crackle App offers users a unique, free experience that includes unlimited viewing of the movies, TV series and Crackle original programming available on
Users also can share and discuss what they're watching with their social networks or link to watch instantly via ABC, ABC Family, CW, Hulu Plus, HBO GO, Crackle and iTunes.
Crackle is one of the fastest growing entertainment destinations on the Internet today, offering audiences quality programming in a variety of genres, including comedy, action, sci-fi, horror, music and reality.
Crackle, Inc. is a multi-platform next-generation video entertainment network that distributes digital content including original short form series and full-length traditional programming from Sony Pictures' vast library of television series and feature films.
The quaint hiss and crackle of the blunted needle as it gently rose and fell with the warp of the album sounded like the ether, through which the dead were hopelessly calling to us.
There was a crackle of excitement among the car enthusiasts Tuesday in the London showroom where the DB5 was on show alongside 100 other cars including many other Aston Martins in an auction preview.
The Crackle App, which offers users a free experience that features ad-supported, full-length and unedited Hollywood films, television series and original series, has been downloaded more than 11 million times since its launch in Spring 2011.
The final product may take either of two styles: elder brother celadon has a black finish with a crackle effect, while the younger brother variety has a thick, lavender-grey and plum-green finish.
Whether you're searching by movie, TV show, actor or director it will sniff out related content across some of the higher profile services it offers, including Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu Plus, Crackle, Vudu and HBO Go.
ENGADGET: Roku update adds cross-provider search over Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, HBO, Vudu and Crackle
Today's announcement continues a series of major content expansions and product launches for the brand, including Crackle's launch on the Xbox LIVE service in late January 2012-which has generated millions of online hours viewed by Xbox 360 users.
In an increasingly competitive market for streaming video, Netflix needs House of Cards to be a hit if the service is going to set itself apart from Amazon, Crackle and the many other companies offering easy access to entertainment these days.
NeoTV PRIME opens up the world of apps from Google Play, delivering access to a growing library of entertainment including movies, TV shows, and music from streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, HBO Go, Crackle, Flixter, Rhapsody, Pandora and many more.
ENGADGET: Netgear's NeoTV PRIME with Google TV gets official at CES HD
The American electorate is still trapped in Nixonland: a land where Democrats and Republicans exchange endless gibes about who despises whom, where simmering class and regional resentments trump all other political considerations and where the airwaves crackle with accusations about lies and counter-lies.
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But give it the Glacial treatment and what you are left with is just a sensation rather than a flavour, a cool, snappy, crisp crackle of biscuity malt and a faint impression of hops, and all of the sweetness and flavour flattened by serving it just above freezing.