Cramer touted Peabody last night and the shares, and those of its rivals, are higher today.
The wild card at CTIA this year will likely be CNBC personality Jim Cramer.
FORBES: CTIA's Likely Newsmakers: Sprint, LightSquared, Jim Cramer
In better times, we will debate Cramer on whether the rich should pay more taxes.
Jim Cramer called it a certain loser, but which product was he referring to?
FORBES: Did Jim Cramer and Goldman Unfairly Chop Down The Apple Tree?
Cramer speaks for moderate Democrats, who must be in a state of shock right now.
Cramer has a huge following among under-40s and college kids, a demographic where Rush is weak.
Reading Jim Cramer got me to thinking of his old "Kudlow and Cramer" partner, Larry Kudlow.
As the market gradually discovered, Cramer represented a better buy, offering more value for its price.
Not even an investor of extravagant tastes like TV star Jim Cramer can stomach it.
Given this track record, Cramer considers Con Edison to be a compelling investment option.
FORBES: Memo to Investor-Owned Utilities: You're Not In Kansas Anymore
Mr. Cramer promised investors would do well, because he was sure Mr. Lampert was smart.
Jim Cramer migrated Apple from the Growth category to the Value category of investing.
In the wake of the deadly Cramer Fire, at least six Forest Service employees were disciplined.
One reason people volunteer, Cramer says, is because they have children in the home.
Aron Cramer: The era of strict divisions between different sectors of society is over.
There is a substantial connection between education levels and volunteering, Cramer points out.
Cramer explains baby boomers relatively high volunteer rate today to two factors.
At Camp II, on the northern edge of Dubea, Jose Cramer(ph) is running a measles vaccination campaign.
Cramer also knew that investment banks rewarded their best clients by letting them in on hot IPOs.
After slashing payroll again, Harlow met Kirby Cramer, former chairman of Sonosite, a maker of ultrasound equipment.
FORBES: How One Entrepreneur Convinced Rivals to Fund His Startup
Nonetheless, there are plenty of other economic indicators that suggest that Cramer may be on to something.
Cramer, incidentally, would buy deep-in-the-money calls on ahead of a West Coast conference on cloud computing.
FORBES: Cramer, Soros And The Dumbing Down Of Financial Journalism
Cramer noted on Tuesday that there may be some significant, ongoing market distortions and irrationality in the markets.
FORBES: Market Madness, Rampant Irrationality, & Animal Spirits: What Are Investors To Do?
Not merely because Jim Cramer is one of my personal heroes, but because I think he is correct.
FORBES: Market Madness, Rampant Irrationality, & Animal Spirits: What Are Investors To Do?
The encouraging thing is, that the process is already underway thanks in part to people like Jim Cramer.
Cramer was born in Rochester, New York, in 1950, and studied at Johns Hopkins and Columbia's journalism school.
Panic, as Jim Cramer of CNBC often says, is not an investment strategy.
Is there a near-term pilot that would simulate what Jim Cramer is asking?
So, good luck, Cramer, with your crusade against executive profligacy begotten of fraud.
FORBES: CNBC's Cramer Spits Into Wind On Clawbacks Of Fraudulent Bonuses
But Cramer makes some good points about those that profit from doing evil.
FORBES: CNBC's Cramer Spits Into Wind On Clawbacks Of Fraudulent Bonuses