But four days later Russel was killed in a crash-landing after a dog-fight.
BBC: Powys WWII pilots Russel Hamer and Jack Hamar honoured
It was not immediately clear what caused the crash-landing, Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Inna Sedova told The Associated Press.
NPR: Ukraine: 4 Dead, 2 Injured In Crash-Landing
For the passengers on flight 1549, Sullenberger's skill and expertise were apparent. iReport.com: Did you see the crash-landing?
CNN: Pilot praised for 'masterful' landing
The report said that during the crash-landing "a significant amount of fuel leaked from the aircraft but there was no fire".
On 29 December, the crash-landing of a Tupolev-204 aircraft was recorded on the dashboard camera of a car on a nearby motorway.
BBC: Meteor highlights rise of dashboard cameras in Russia
Interfax also quotes surviving passenger Dmitry Verbitsky as saying that the plane had caught fire during the crash-landing, but it was quickly put out.
NPR: Ukraine: 4 Dead, 2 Injured In Crash-Landing
Brompton Road is also rumoured to be where Nazi deputy Rudolf Hess was held when he was captured after crash-landing a light aircraft in Scotland in May 1941.
BBC: Reawakening the Underground
After crash-landing on a frozen and desolate planet, Issac will fight not only for his own survival, but for that of all mankind, against an inhospitable planet and the deadly creatures who live there.
ENGADGET: Astro to offer Dead Space 3-themed A30 and A40 headsets on February 5th
Right here on the flight line in crash landings, the helicopters landing in what are called brown-out conditions, meaning the dust on the desert floor rises up and engulfs the helicopter and it is very difficult for the pilot to see the ground in those conditions and very easy to mess up the landing.
CNN: Ryan Chilcote: First deep attack
Compartments and landing gear are fitted with shock-absorbers to protect personnel in the event of crash landings.
BBC: News | In Depth | Military Fact Files