The issue that first came to light around LIBOR fixing was whether or not banks had given false information to create a falseimpression of their viability.
But as manufacturing accounts for only about one-fifth of total output, the effect is to create the falseimpression that the whole economy is slowing down.
The 'Dean scream' dirty trick which, as you know, was created by filtering out the deafening crowd's roar to create the falseimpression of a maniacal yell (a sound clip used to this day during the Political Junkie segment on NPR's Talk of the Nation).
After the dispute, the prosecution said the defendant tried to make the weapon disappear to create a "false impression of a law-abiding citizen acting in self-defence".
For Eichengreen has done more than arguably any other individual to create and sustain the falseimpression that the gold standard caused the Great Depression.