Credit-card fraud is not a new phenomenon, and card issuers have procedures in place to deal with fraudulent purchases.
Avivah Litan, an analyst with GartnerGroup, a consultancy, says online businesses encounter credit-card fraud 12 times more often than offline merchants.
Police say many contributions are extorted, or obtained through credit-card fraud.
But precious resources would be freed that could be spent elsewhere, for instance in cracking down on the use of multiple identities to commit welfare and credit-card fraud.
Image Data insists that the database, which would allow retailers or police across the country instantly to match a name and photograph, is primarily designed to fight cheque and credit-card fraud.
This has mirrored progress in fields as diverse as speech recognition and credit-card fraud detection, where modern techniques combined with a continuing explosion in computer power have made possible behaviour that seems very like human intelligence, albeit limited to a specific domain.
Made sure that have the toughest credit card anti-fraud provisions that we had seen, anti-housing fraud provisions.
Some banks also treat lost or stolen goods using the same procedures as in-store credit card fraud, requiring retailers to replace a missing item or face a transaction dispute.
Counterfeit-passport makers in Bulgaria team up with hackers in Arizona to run a Web site--based in New Jersey--to conduct credit card fraud.
Counterfeit passport makers in Bulgaria team up with hackers in Arizona to run a Web site--based in New Jersey--to conduct credit card fraud.
Barclays, for instance, has good figures on fraud in its credit-card business, but until recently it kept no records on how many times its dealers have breached trading controls.
Since his initial arrest on credit card fraud charges in December 2001, al-Marri -- a legal resident of the United States -- had remained in "virtual isolation in the brig, " his attorneys said.
Since his initial arrest on credit card fraud charges in December 2001, al-Marri -- a legal resident of the United States -- has remained in "virtual isolation in the brig, " his attorneys said.
Visits to the homes of fraud-ring members revealed merchandise purchased by opening new credit card accounts with stolen identities.
FORBES: How Credit Reports Can Protect You From Identity Theft
It is up the individual states to legislate and critics claim that - as a result - there is a lack of national cohesion in efforts to fight credit card fraud.
BBC: Identity theft is taking some of the shine off credit cards
Best in class fraud detection vendors track various parameters of a transaction viz. the geo- location , device id, credit card eligibility of the consumer involved, etc. and try to identify a possible fraud, if any.