It said, though, that "the U.K.'s creditworthiness remains extremely high, " and its outlook was stable.
The downgrades left Portugal one notch above junk rating and Greece's creditworthiness below that of Egypt.
He had a large helping hand from public-sector banks, which provided bigger loans than Fininvest's creditworthiness seemed to merit.
The second set was Citi's creation of a trust, called Yosemite, which issued notes to sophisticated investors, tied to Enron's creditworthiness.
Nobody would suggest that if, say, Mexico borrows in dollars, it pushes up dollar interest rates or somehow impairs America's creditworthiness.
Hewett, formerly associated with the Brookings Institution, has compiled an impressive track record in recent years of consistently over-estimating Moscow's creditworthiness.
Credit ratings agency Standard and Poor's downgraded the company's creditworthiness in May.
Like other private lenders, credit unions typically require that students have a parent as a cosigner and base loans on a borrower's creditworthiness.
Unlimited central-bank liquidity may help to reduce the gap, but only if banks do not find more reasons to question each other's creditworthiness.
HSBC's underlying profits - which ignore one-time accounting effects as well as the impact of changes in the bank's creditworthiness - rose 18%.
But, as importantly, the more that investors and savers doubt Spain's creditworthiness, the more they doubt its ability to stand behind its banks.
But officials are also nervous that the row risks bringing to a head concerns over Spain's creditworthiness, potentially shutting it out from capital markets.
Mr Osborne has pushed for spending cuts as part of a wider plan to reduce the deficit in order to protect the government's creditworthiness on international markets.
When they determine that a bond issuer's creditworthiness has improved and upgrade the bonds, he says, the next rating change is equally likely to be up or down.
But it added that the outlook for the UK is "stable", meaning it sees no further downgrades in the near future, and added "the UK's creditworthiness remains extremely high".
BBC: UK loses top AAA credit rating for first time since 1978
Moody's said the UK's creditworthiness was still "extremely high".
PPR's creditworthiness after the announcement of the Puma deal.
But with signs of recovery in the economy and yet another fiscal package about to be announced (which will dent still further the government's creditworthiness) bond prices have fallen, hurting the value of these investments.
Barring such an IMF debt roll-over, Russia would likely be forced to add sovereign bonds floated in Europe and the U.S. to their growing list of defaults. 3 More importantly, defaulting on IMF debt would effectively eviscerate what little remains of Russia's creditworthiness.
The rate on U.S. Treasuries is a function, among other things, of inflation, creditworthiness of the U.S. and alternative sovereign debt investment opportunities.
FORBES: S&P U.S. Debt Downgrade: Implications For Commercial Real Estate
The rating agency in August 2011 issued a historic downgrade of U.S. creditworthiness and threatened to lower it even further.
On the economic policy side, Mr Correa's proposals have worried investors and creditors, as they threaten to impair Ecuador's sovereign creditworthiness and its hard-win macroeconomic stability, achieved since its debt default of 1999.
ECONOMIST: Ecuador's radical new president promises big changes
The world seems to be re-arranging itself around America's slightly diminished creditworthiness, not the other way around.
The denizens lack any credit history, so Azteca's lenders assess creditworthiness by inspecting the customers' homes and interviewing their neighbors.
But they are a good indicator of a company's ability to assess consumer creditworthiness and risk.
If deposits are insured, there is little incentive for a bank's customer to assess its creditworthiness and every incentive to take the highest rate on offer.
The simple fact is that, in the face of sharply declining Soviet creditworthiness, this action exposes the U.S. taxpayer to sizeable new losses.
Enlarging the euro zone's rescue funds raises questions about the creditworthiness of even its most solid backers.
Fitch also cut the so-called "viability ratings" of Morgan Stanley and Societe Generale, which represent the agency's view as to the "intrinsic creditworthiness of an issuer".