But the critical period of surviving your surgery really happens after the surgery, after leaving the hospital.
This suggests that there is a critical period in the development of the brain when the bacteria are influential.
The critical period was around 16 days - which is very late in mouse gestation, but corresponds to the first trimester in people.
Only if we have that faith will we be able to guide the destiny of nations, in this, the most critical period of world history.
As we enter a critical period in the U.S. election cycle, Americans deserve thoughtful regulations that maintain the spirit found within the Declaration of Independence.
The foundation released two new studies on Friday in conjunction with National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 16-22) that provide insight into teenage driving behavior and their crashes during this critical period.
Twenty years ago, neuroscientists held that after a certain critical period, usually no more than the first 12 months of life, the entire visual system has become far too rigid for any real learning to take place.
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After contracting Lyme disease in 2010, Ms Drew was frequently out of the office for a critical period, when her unit was making riskier bets, and her absences allowed the clashing egos of her subordinates to come to the fore.
The new Special Representative of the Secretary-General succeeds Kai Eide of Norway, who will complete his assignment on 28 February, and to whom Mr. Ban is grateful for his intrepid spirit, strong determination and excellent leadership of UNAMA over the past two years, a critical period for Afghanistan with difficult elections and a very challenging security situation.
The devices were set to be launched late this year, but in June the company announced a delay - which means it will miss the critical holiday shopping period.
On Friday, Best Buy reported weaker sales than expected for the critical end of the year period.
Death or impairment of an advisor may result in assets lacking management at a critical moment and for an extended period of time.
The bad weather in the UK over the pre-Christmas period, which is critical for the company, meant that earlier gains were cancelled out.
Will the GOP concede and compromise in the critical pre-fiscal cliff lame duck period?
For soyabeans the next few weeks are critical, as their relatively long pollination period means that the outlook could improve if rain arrives.
Whether you're renting for a short or long period, a strong lease is critical.
Given the fact that the Olympics happens over a short, finite period, the use of vendors is critical.
The holiday shopping period is, of course, a critical time for retailers.
FORBES: Schulze Will Wait To Bid On Best Buy. He'll Want To See The Christmas Misery
Ms. ALICE ROSSI (Co-founder, National Organization of Women): There was a period of Nina's life that I felt was critical, where I was a neglectful parent because of the busyness of my life, and I took shortcuts in parenting.
CRE's outgoing chairman, Sir Herman Ouseley, whose seven-year period in office coincided with the Lawrence affair, is critical of the government for failing to seize the moment for fundamental change provided by the nationwide shock at the revelations contained in the Macpherson report.
Another critical factor is the amount of EVA Momentum investors expected going into the period.
Despite heavy critical acclaim and a hefty serving of award show accolades, the 1960s period piece is watched by fewer than 2 million on a weekly basis.
Inevitably, the critical idiom which Mr Fish uses has changed over this 30-year period, although he claims, a little too proudly perhaps, that his central beliefs about Milton have not.
The period defined by 1953-4 is one of the most critical in Blue Note's history, since so many of the characteristic qualities which define, for many, the Blue Note style, were set in place.
But the game's most critical sequence came with 6 minutes, 15 seconds remaining in the third period, when the Rangers' Carl Hagelin was penalized for slashing and breaking the stick of Capitals defenseman John Carlson.
Over a period of five years, NHS Ayrshire and Arran refused to release the critical incident and adverse event reports to staff.
For professionals (like me) who deal in reputation preservation and enhancement, the challenge is to reaffirm the critical value of that work even as the intensity of public reactions subsides during a period of scandal-exhaustion.
FORBES: Wall Street's Prestige: The Less There Is to Go Around, the More Valuable It Gets
Over the last 12-month period the Secamb answered 75.2% of the most serious time-critical calls within target.