So for people who aren't crossing borders for work, the rankings don't mean much.
Those numbers are increasing, with 5, 000 Syrians crossing borders each day, according to Adrian Edwards, a spokesman for the U.N.
As the world economy becomes more integrated, it is to be expected that the companies most adept at crossing borders are those that prosper.
All of this means that those who have been sitting on the sidelines over the last few years as the global economy contracted will soon be crossing borders more frequently on their business trips.
Cargo trucks crossing multiple borders from northern Europe down to the Mediterranean where cellular networks between countries are not consistent.
By crossing national borders, the "joined-up geology" should foster international initiatives that will target global problems, such as climate change.
It was of significant note to them that the Haitian government is paying particular attention to those children that may be crossing the borders.
They remembered a wandering childhood of nameless places, an existence in tents and silent nighttime crossing of borders, the unceasing search for somewhere better.
"When we filmed the movie we talked to a lot of people crossing the borders, and they were just families - families coming to feed themselves and reunite with their family, " Christopher Zalla said.
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The debate regarding the trade-off between a global and a local strategy is misplaced because it views value propositions crossing national borders as products per se rather than as bundles of global and local characteristics.
So, besides haggling for a better aid package, Turkey is pressing America to let it deploy its troops freely in northern Iraq to prevent any Kurdish uprising and to stop a tidal wave of refugees crossing its borders.
The reporters kept trying, but Whitman, an old hand at dealing with the media, refused to rise to the bait, swatting away questions that came anywhere near the topic, of even what the general policy is for U.S. troops crossing the borders.
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Two-way negotiations become three-way negotiations with up to a dozen banks involved, often crossing nearly as many borders.
So, clutching their prescriptions, they are crossing the northern and southern borders by the busload.
While most goods are now crossing Europe's national borders with little or no hindrance, the liberalisation of trade in services has been patchy at best.
With fans driving hours, crossing state lines and international borders, Austin, Texas became an eSports epicenter Memorial Day weekend, at the first ever Red Bull Battlegrounds invitational pro-video game tournament.
By the end of their trip, Mr. Archer and his team will have traveled nearly 50, 000 miles through 39 countries, four continents and a blur of time zones, crossing more than 40 international borders.
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The annual report by the Norwegian Refugee Council's Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) suggests internal displacement - in which people flee from violence without crossing their country's borders - will continue to accelerate unless permanent solutions to conflicts are found.
As a common cooking utensil, the pressure cooker is often overlooked when searching vehicles, residences or merchandise crossing the U.S. borders.
First, the number of Syrians crossing the country's various borders has sharply increased as people flee on foot into Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, and many of the 1m-odd refugees from Iraq ponder whether to go home.
ECONOMIST: As the turmoil persists, more Syrians are leaving or hiding
They are making connections across old borders, breaking down traditional barriers, crossing ancient divides and smashing long-established walls of prejudice.
They want Israel to acquiesce to Hamas's demand to open its borders with Gaza and to support the opening of Egypt's border crossing with Gaza.
Mr Hague said cyber attacks were "criss-crossing the globe from north to south and east to west - in all directions, recognising no borders, with all countries in the firing line".
At the triangle where the borders of Israel, Syria and Jordan meet along the Yarmouk River, a lone jeep is seen crossing uninterrupted from Jordan into Syria.