Dr Fragouli's team examined cumulus cells from 26 women undergoing genetic screening prior to IVF treatment.
Stratocumulus is a continuous layer of cumulus that looks like a "tray of bread rolls".
They found abnormalities in the cumulus cells that appeared to tally with genetic errors in the eggs they had surrounded.
The four-door hatchback, however, is generating cumulus clouds of data every second.
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As a young boy, he would gaze into the clouds and suddenly find a human face or familiar shape sketched into the cumulus.
Mr. RANDY SHEPARD (Fire Incident Officer, Washington): There were some very large smoke columns that looked like huge cumulus clouds that develop over the fires.
And off in the violet distance behind them, prodding them along in their efforts, are the faint outlines of silvery cumulus clouds boiling up in the haze.
He introduces the half-dozen main types of clouds as if they were his oldest friends: there is the towering, thunderous cumulonimbus, the beautiful cirrus, the fluffy, fine-weather cumulus.
This despite a boycott that drove advertisers from his radio show and reportedly cost Cumulus Media, one of radio station groups that airs it, millions in lost revenue.
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Cumulus will end its existing ad sales and distribution arrangement with ESPN, and won't renew syndication deals with ESPN at its own radio stations, a person familiar with the partnership said.
There were, he announced, only three basic cloud types, and he gave each a Latin name befitting its appearance: cirrus for fiber, cumulus for heap or pile and stratus for layer or sheet.
Tangential competitors include Cumulus Media and Westwood One.
Low in the sky there's the classic cotton wool Cumulus, the Stratus, a layer of "rather dull" cloud, and higher up Cirrus - "a translucent delicate streak as if a watercolour brush has been stroked across the blue".
However, after three years of observations of low stratus, cumulus and stratocumulus clouds over land, Anthony Del Genio of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies discovered that when air temperatures were higher, clouds were thinner and thus less capable of reflecting sunlight.