But more than a wonder of epic size and technology, the gracefully curved bridge, supported on needlelike piers, is a masterpiece of daring and majesty.
WSJ: A Concrete Ribbon Through the Clouds | Millau Viaduct | Masterpiece by Joseph Giovannini
On the road back to Rio, we stop underneath a spectacular old iron railway bridge - "the first curved iron bridge in the world, " Mauricio informs me, with some pride.
BBC: Rio +20: Joining the ecological dots
The bridge's curved overhead girders are higher in the center of the bridge but sweep lower toward a driver's right side.
NPR: NTSB Says Wash. Bridge Collapse Is Wake-Up Call
The moon made a last dash, traversed the curved grillework of the bridge, tipped toward the sea, crashed into the water like a brick, and sank, sending thousands of little bubbles to the surface.
NEWYORKER: The Daughters of the Moon
Climbers head out from the BridgeClimb storefront at the foot of the bridge, proceed along a catwalk under the highway, climb several ladders and then walk up the curved span to the top.
FORBES: A Can-Do Country