The biotech is actually restricting Avastin sales now to cut down on unapproved use.
The plans are designed to cut down on excessive drinking and improve people's health.
You may cut down on the amount of withdrawals you're having from your investment account.
Medicines such as Lipitor, Zocor and Pravachol cut down on heart attacks and save lives.
Sprint, faced with subscriber losses, has cut down on capital expenditures in order to save costs.
The Highways Agency says dualling the road will cut down on accidents and improve journey times.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Norfolk | Concerns over A11 bypass scheme
Two national charities have launched different campaigns urging people to cut down on their alcohol consumption.
Finally, the company has cut down on the number of steps to view a link.
CNN: Twitter pushes content front and center with app updates
Cycling officials have taken steps to cut down on the number of drug cheats, Hincapie said.
Government departments have also been told to cut down on the issuing of electronic items.
Even diesel fuel itself was being reformulated to cut down on its sulfur content.
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It's cut down on recipients who were "double-dipping, " or collecting welfare checks from multiple locations.
By making insurance contingent on smoke detectors, insurers cut down on deaths and losses from building fires.
FORBES: Wild Weather A New Normal And Insurance Companies Must Act
EMRs not only improve the patient experience but they can cut down on errors, potentially saving lives.
FORBES: In Healthcare, Records Can Be a Matter of Life and Death
The idea here is to establish better quality patents and, again, to cut down on excessive litigation.
Making Medicare more efficient and targeted would substantially cut down on government costs without compromising patient health.
FORBES: Medicare Is Increasingly A Benefit Enjoyed By The "One Percenters"
Morgan Stanley plans to cut down on bonuses in order to better align shareholders and employees interests.
So the connection is clear: cut down on water use and you cut down on energy use.
The government was driving an austerity campaign and asked all ministers to cut down on travel costs.
He said being able to measure the motion would automatically cut down on the amount of interference.
The council said it had already removed unnecessary double yellow lines to help cut down on police costs.
The unemployment her inflation-fighting policies were exacerbating meant it could not cut down on spending across the board.
It'll cut down on energy consumption by acting as an insulating blanket in both hot and cold weather.
For now though, Major League Baseball isn't inclined to tinker with the balance and cut down on strikeouts.
The plan this holiday season is to cut down on the run-around and shipping fees by one-stop shopping.
WarZ raised the player limit on servers to 70, in order to cut down on the active servers.
At 85, Hughes has cut down on her traveling, but has no intention of retiring from her writing.
Shopping via the Web, then, may cut down on this season's impulse purchases and help shoppers stay focused.
Earlier this year, the government said it would take action to cut down on spurious whiplash insurance claims.
While the firm's clearly stated minimum helps cut down on queries from unqualified investors, it doesn't eliminate them.