"They're afraid that Google will want to cut out the middleman, " Green says.
Both projects suggest a future in which audiences might cut out the middleman, supporting artists online, free of network demands.
The risk down the line is that Google could decide to cut out the middleman and solicit its own classified ads.
Consider: Sam Walton figured out how to cut out the middleman in retailing with warehouses linked to his big boxes using ground transportation.
Yael Lustmann, 42, says she runs her own daily deals through Facebook and Yelp for her shaved-ice shop so she can cut out the middleman.
Now fast-growing retailers like AutoZone and service station chains like Jiffy Lube cut out the middleman -- Allied's traditional customers -- and they demand sophisticated logistics.
Implementing a federal reserve for American primary borrowers would cut out the middleman and make buying in America more affordable and based on true growth, not inflation from Wall Street.
This would give a person the option to cut out the middleman when buying a primary residence, and could be a great option for primary living interest rates in America.
We cut out the middleman and we said let's use that money to expand the availability of Pell Grants, to increase the amount that Pell Grants -- each Pell Grant a student could get.
Keller, likely worn from the junior high school antics, figures he can cut out the middleman and likely save himself and his paper a whole lot of hassle going forward if he takes the leak machinery in-house.
Pursuing that Barneys comparison (I don't know whether I made it clear that he considers his own shop Barneys and Maison Kayser Macy's, not vice versa), Mr. Payard has established a sort of self-service, cut out the middleman, ethos.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Student Loan Interest Rates in Colorado | The White House
Of course, you could just cut out the middleman, and connect your computer directly to your TV if you have all the proper connectors and inputs, but not everyone has that setup, or wants to tie up their computer to the TV for hours.
Not only does it cut out the party middleman, says Mr Beattie, it is the only feasible way of staying in touch with 325, 000 voters scattered across an area the size of Belgium.
The primary care model has drawn insurance industry opposition in part because the health insurer middleman is cut out of the equation as doctors are no longer paid by the likes of Aetna (AET), Humana (HUM) or a UnitedHealth Group (UNH).
And he argues that tontine payouts would be higher than those from normal annuities because the insurance company middleman is cut out.