And I want to cut red tape that keeps entrepreneurs from turning new ideas into thriving businesses.
Although promises to cut red tape have a familiar ring, business organisations gave the proposals a wary welcome.
ECONOMIST: New plans to cut red tape address only part of the problem
Interior Minister Socrates Hasikos said his ministry is looking to cut red tape in order to attract foreign investment.
Today, the Administration is launching five pilot Regional Teams to strengthen collaboration, cut red tape, and reduce permitting timelines.
He said the bill would cut red tape and consolidate more than a dozen outdated pieces of legislation governing co-operatives and mutuals.
And this comes on the heels of our recent efforts to cut red tape and launch several existing projects faster and more efficiently.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Investing in Our Infrastructure
Mr Nenshi ran on a centrist platform that included affordable housing and better public transport, but also promised to cut red tape for business.
Cut taxes, cut red tape and encourage the spirit of enterprise.
Now he is back on the Tory front line as shadow deregulation secretary as Michael Howard uses him to spearhead his campaign to cut red tape.
Earlier this year, a report by Elizabeth Truss MP, now education minister, said staffing ratios in nurseries should be reduced to cut red tape and costs.
Conservatives education spokesperson Angela Burns said that funding schools directly, instead of through local authorities, would cut red tape and mean more money to spend on equipment.
Such rankings have encouraged many countries to cut red tape.
He has also said that he wants to get rid of the euro and return to the franc, cut red tape for small businesses, and impose heavy taxes on imports.
EU-wide criteria would make clear which country's legal system applies when an inheritance concerns more than one member state, a move designed to reduce costly legal disputes and cut red tape for heirs.
The JOBS Act, which became law in April, was designed to cut red tape and reduce the burdens of financial disclosure for small companies seeking to raise capital in the stock and bond markets.
New culture secretary Maria Miller promised last week to cut the red tape associated with broadband rollouts.
In recent years, the government has cut red-tape for new businesses, and boosted the tax credit for investment in research and innovation.
We're selling acres of federal office space that hasn't been used in years, and we'll cut through red tape to get rid of more.
During business questions, the government underlined its determination to cut the red tape that it says is hampering businesses and the UK's economic recovery.
Impressed with Vallas' ability to crunch numbers and cut through red tape, Chico asked Mayor Daley to appoint Vallas to run the school system day-to-day.
"Making sure police officers get out from behind those desks, cut that red tape and get out on the streets catching criminals where we want to see them, " he said.
Last year, my Administration launched the Startup America initiative to help connect innovators to funding and mentorship, cut through red tape, speed up innovation, and get their ventures off the ground faster.
Teams of federal employees are embedded with seven Mayors across the country to provide tailored technical assistance to cut through red tape, increase government efficiency, and build partnerships to help local leaders implement sustainable economic plans.
Where Sir Howard mastered this complexity with apparent bureaucratic ease, Mr McCarthy may instead start to cut through the red tape.
ECONOMIST: Sir Howard Davies is a hard act for Callum McCarthy to follow
We're working with the Governor to make sure that we cut through any red tape that's necessary with respect to rebuilding here.
These leaders cut through the red tape, change processes, step in, and show up at the critical moment to rally the team and make things happen.
Governor Brown ordered an audit of all state reports in December in a bid to cut down on red tape, the BBC's Peter Bowes in California says.
The original idea behind the Bush administration's changes to the H-2A program--which went through a lengthy rulemaking process--was to cut out the red tape in the visa process and make the wage structure more efficient.