Cutting out the middleman means that both sides of the transaction can get a better deal.
Cutting out the middleman at the factory in China saved 10% on their finished garments.
Sam's dream of cutting out the middleman and passing the savings to consumers is a reality.
For starters, as was mentioned, it required cutting out a huge chunk of the floor.
And anyone cutting out entire food groups is likely to suffer vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Voice signatures can also make transactions swifter, by cutting out the need to enter account details.
Customers can save time and money using an online service, by effectively cutting out the middleman.
Verghese, 49, built Olam into a global leader by cutting out the legacy middlemen.
Other officials have likened it to a surgical process, cleanly cutting out the carmakers' creditors.
For lower fees, consider cutting out the middleman and buying directly from the sponsor, as Haight did.
Volunteers were out on the village-side lake the weekend before the festival, cutting out big ice blocks.
Meanwhile, some content producers, including Sony, have begun to mull cutting out the middleman to boost returns.
Republicans criticized the budget as full of wasteful spending. What are you cutting out of your budget?
Than ask yourself: What could I slowly start cutting out of my day?
All but five of the lots sold and he will save millions by cutting out a hefty dealers' commission., for example, expands the range of students that can benefit from private instruction by cutting out travel and scheduling.
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Acabiz is a direct link between the final consumer and supplier of specialized knowledge and cutting out the middleman, consultants.
Ponder the fact that you can get such massive discounts in medical care by cutting out all the administrative hassle.
And instead of Amazon's all-in-one approach aimed at cutting out the middlemen, Softbank's strategy helps preserve a supply-chain status quo.
And it means taking on the tax code, and cutting out certain tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest Americans.
Many are tempted to join producer-owned co-operatives, where farmers can make higher profits by pooling resources and cutting out middlemen.
But Egypt remained organised and solid, as they did throughout the tournament, and succeeded in cutting out many of Ghana's attacks.
What if instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, you allow yourself times to give in to your cravings guilt-free?
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Satellite-based data links will improve communication between pilots and ground controllers, cutting out about 40% of voice communication over the radio.
We're cutting down the time it takes to get a patent approved by cutting out unnecessary paperwork and modernizing the process.
There has traditionally been a lot of opposition to more tall buildings cutting out the famous views of St Paul's Cathedral.
He says companies need to realize that it's prudent to see beyond the immediate benefit of cutting out travel to save money.
By cutting out the middleman, the Internet removes this source of cross-checking.
By cutting out record companies, the band retains the full revenue stream of album sales, and monies from touring and merchandise sales.
But, if they are really clever, they will acquire a search provider, such as Yahoo, and then fork Android, cutting out Google.