Above those is a sliding row of quick toggles (albeit in a slightly different order than last time): WiFi, Mobile Data, Smart Saving, Instant Dictionary (which is new), WiFi Hotspot, Bluetooth, GPS, Vibrate and Auto-rotate Screen.
ENGADGET: ASUS PadFone 2 review: two times is a charm for this phone-in-tablet combo
"Researchers are committed to a long term study of HSL with the goals of producing ... a dictionary (and) archived videotaped data, " s aid James Woodward, an Adjunct Professor of Linguistics at the University of Hawaii at Mano.
CNN: Researchers document distinctive Hawaii Sign Language
Aside from the relative ease with which attackers guess passwords, once they have stolen the list of usernames and hashed ( a one-way algorithm used to hide data) passwords, the attacker just checks a dictionary of hashed words against the hashed passwords to find matches.
FORBES: Perhaps Sony should consider strong authentication?