Most of the buildings visitors see today, though, date back to the 18th Century.
It is evident that this city and graveyard date back to the early Dilmun period.
All of the fossils date back to 183 million years ago during the Jurassic period.
Some are packhorse routes that date back to the days of the early settlers.
The pictures date back to the 1920s and also document families enjoying time in the park.
Evidence collected by the National Trust suggests the current buildings date back to about 1800.
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The problems at Olympus date back to Japan's booming 1980s, according to the report.
Incumbent treatment technologies in the U.S., like coagulation and flocculation, date back to the 19th century.
The Ford family's supervoting rights date back to 1956, when the company went public.
The prehistoric caves in Torquay house bone artefacts believed to date back to Neanderthal man.
Some of the tombs where the spider was discovered date back to the 1830s.
Mrs Godfrey said the mound was thought to date back to the Roman or Romano-British eras.
Teme Bridge is a designated historic monument and parts of it date back to medieval times.
They carbon-date back to millennia after the end of the ice age, about 9-10 thousand years ago.
The papers, which date back to the mid-1500s, were discovered at the Dunham Massey estate near Altrincham.
The events of the case date back to 2003 and the furor over the invasion of Iraq.
Those are all questions that date back to this class that I took back in 8th grade.
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Fragments of ski-like objects, discovered by 1960s archaeologist Grigoriy Burov, date back to 6000 BC in northern Russia.
Modern vaccines date back to British doctor Edward Jenner's 1796 work immunizing children using pus from cowpox blisters.
In the west of Sevastopol, the Greek ruins of the city of Chersoneses date back to 5 BC.
The Observer newspaper did not name the priests, but it said their allegations date back to the 1980s.
Their cheap weapons come mostly from huge but fast-shrinking surplus stocks that date back to cold war days.
The gates date back to 1834 and were found during excavation works on a new road in July 2011.
Archaeologists from the University of Leicester believe the remains date back to AD300.
Some of the cases he is representing date back to 15 years ago.
The five golfers to have carded official 59s on the PGA Tour date back to Al Geiberger in 1977.
Meanwhile, there is an issue requiring serious vetting whose problems date back to the bad old Cold War days.
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Comparable murder statistics date back to 1963, when the city recorded 548 homicides.
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All the pieces of avocado-glazed pottery come from the nearby Snake Kiln, whose traditions date back to the Ming dynasty.
JAEGAR-MILLER: The unsettling tales of murder, suicide and hauntings, that Onyx will tell these tourists, date back to previous centuries.