World Health Organization representative William Aldis told Reuters that the U.N agency would only accept drugs that had been labeled in the language of the recipient country and that were within six months of their expirydate.
Research from LV Car Insurance shows that nearly a fifth of drivers they interviewed had no idea when their licence would run out, even though the expirydate is clearly shown on the front of the licence.
Further tests were carried out, and Ikea confirmed that one batch of the lasagne made by the suppliers Familjen Dafgard, with an expirydate in January 2014, contained 1.4% pork.
The militants insist they will avenge the deaths of their members in Israeli raids Islamic Jihad vowed revenge for Mr Seder's killing and say that the ceasefire may not last until its expirydate in late September, let alone be renewed thereafter, unless many of their comrades are released from Israeli custody.