Its rainy-day game room has Ping-Pong, pool, darts, and shuffleboard.
New York outfielder Andrew Brown was optioned to Triple-A Las Vegas and right-hander Jenrry Mejia was transferred to the 60-day disabled list from the 15-day DL to make room on the 40-man roster.
Consider this curious tale from New York restaurateur Danny Meyer, who literally wrote the book on hospitality. (It's called "Setting the Table, " and it's required reading for anyone in the industry.) Last June -- on Father's Day -- Meyer returned to his room at the Little Nell in Aspen, Colorado, to find a framed photo of his wife and children beside the bed.
Though most of their guests had left for the day, the 144-room hotel was expecting a good number of guests when the disaster struck, said communications director Kurt Genden.
With just one crew member this day --- in part because he knew the weather meant a relatively short day and in part to leave enough room for a CNN crew --- Pierce leaves the cabin to help harvest the crabs.
One top Wall Street executive told me a few years ago how, during Spitzer's crusade against crooked securities research, a blow-by-blow account of a supposedly private meeting appeared in The Wall Street Journal the next day--ending when the then attorney general left the room.
The page displays scenes from the first-ever Valentine's Day Rainbow Room gala Morgan orchestrated to raise bucks for his charity, the Bowery Mission.
However, if you looked around the room that day, the 100-plus women sitting there were all polished, well-spoken professionals who were not at all shy about speaking up.
Facebook also gives students a chance to contact their future roommates, as Min did, making it easy to get acquainted and to discuss the logistics of setting up the dorm room on move-in day.
From his nest down in Austin, campaign guru Karl Rove lured moneymen and operatives from every important state into a Virtual Smoke-Filled Room built out of calls and faxes and 300 e-mails a day.
The next day a maid found Bebb-Jones in another hotel room, with a "self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head", according to details of the court documents reported in the local newspaper, the Daily Sentinel, in 2010.
BBC: British gambler Marcus Bebb-Jones jailed for US killing
The theory behind outdoor napping is that children exposed to fresh air, whether in summer or the depths of winter, are less likely to catch coughs and colds - and that spending a whole day in one room with 30 other children does them no good at all.
That official said the suspects threw out backpacks of fireworks from the dorm room, leading to a two-day search of a New Bedford landfill last week.
When each day is through, clove the door on your Shangri-La Hotel room and enjoy five-star features like a pillow menu, a bedside control panel and a flat-screen TV.
It also contains a case study about the first e-waste day in Cook Islands, and describes activities for the news room to carry out in order to increase the understanding of the issue and to explore different story ideas.
The next day he began a clean-up operation at his home, washing the dining room carpet and scrubbing every inch of the house with what one police officer recalled was a "lemony" cleaning fluid.
After Roberts flubbed the order of words during the public ceremony in 2009, a do-over took place in the White House Map Room the next day to erase any question that Obama was officially the president.
He felt cold and liked it, knowing that at home the room would be baking, the two-bar heater running day and night on pilfered electricity, the family luxuriating in excess warmth, even though the spring weather had come.
The Green Room has cheap, fresh seafood every day, relaxing decor and laid-back indie tunes.
On the second day, when Antoniello asked her to name some simple objects in her hospital room -- a pen, glasses, a watch -- she could not utter the words.
Despite fears that Las Vegas would suffer from an excess of new hotels, a torrent of visitors left not a single room empty for a single day at MGM Grand's namesake casino-hotel in the second quarter.
And should they ask this Veterans Day, will America back up its words with deeds -- because of everyone in this room, because of this reform legislation, the answer will be, yes, the United States of America will keep our promise to our veterans.
But let's say we get them all in the room, it's - the conference is only going to last a day.
It is alleged the pair had to be separated in the dressing room after a 2-0 defeat by Arsenal following a disagreement over a day off.
Now the near-infinite capacity of these glass tendrils is spreading from long-distance networks to local nets and, one day, to corporate desktops and your living room.
He was murdered the next day, on April 4, 1968, as he stood on the second-floor balcony of his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.
Organizations like Virgin Unite, the Virgin Group's non-profit foundation , and the Carbon War Room have joined with groups like the Earth Day Network to tackle tough social and environmental problems and to raise awareness in the next generation.
And so we've got a lot of do-gooders in this room and I'm grateful for everything that you guys do, day in, day out.
Using either a smartphone or tablet, players end up shooting aliens around their living room, or fighting off a zombie apocalypse - all apparently standard activities for any modern day playtime.
BBC: Furby, aliens and jigsaws: Top toys get techy for Christmas
Purdum, who announced his return on Twitter earlier in the day, has been the Jets' long snapper for the last three seasons after replacing long-time locker room favorite James Dearth in 2010.