The enemy is there with their horses and camels, they are there every day.
They announced a truce the other day and the ink's hardly dry before they start shooting.
You may feel rushed, as these places crank out dozens of weddings every day.
The disappointing export figures, however, were partly offset by strong investment data released the same day.
"This was an exciting day, " said Dan Mead, president and chief executive officer for Verizon Wireless.
Several members of the celebrity group suffered from altitude sickness during the five-day ascent.
The article 'Historical day trips from Boston' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.
The parliament approved the resolution calling for stricter checks on breast implants the following day.
The article 'A perfect day in Rome' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.
It was charming, occasionally insightful, and tinged with the melancholy of a long day s sunset.
Locals attend mass at their local parishes and spend the day relaxing with family and friends.
Day by day, Congress is asking more questions about the bailout of the financial industry.
Carneiros's superb natural setting is perfect for a quiet, not chaotic, day at the beach.
But there is still definitely a day time H Street and a nighttime one.
Crossing it on a windy day can make your heart skip a beat or two.
And the committee, meeting in Dubai, recommended the scheduling of four-day games against national A teams.
The result is a 192% average gain from first-day close over the past three years.
"This is an historic day for marine conservation, " said Glenn Sant from Traffic International.
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Danhi and colleagues go through a whopping six to eight pork shoulders per day.
This was a working day, but the centre of the capital Nicosia was a ghost town.
"That two to three hours a day that I spent there changed my life, " said Antonio.
Another artist joked morbidly that one day Picasso would be found hanging behind "his giant canvas".
Went on my way feeling strange all that day, wondering what had gone wrong.
I've seen the world and it sights in my day, cities that blaze like the sun.
And all along I could hear that voice call, haunting me all that day long.
Doan foresaw the day of cheap servers and made his software bet on that platform.
The four-day hike can be completed by anyone in reasonable shape, ovenighting in huts or campsites.
Visits to his site jumped tenfold, from 200 a day to more than 2, 000.
Approximately three dozen animated characters, like Dumbo, pass by the portholes throughout the day.