Three sightings have been reported in recent days, in Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, north Pembrokeshire and Anglesey.
BBC: Leatherback turtle sightings up in west and north Wales
Daiei is these days considered a test of the government's appetite for painful change.
On warm days, Bostonians migrate to this popular park to sunbathe, picnic and feed waterfowl.
Because this leak is unique and unprecedented, it could take many days to stop.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on NYC Incident and BP Oil Spill in Louisiana | The White House
On 10 May a woman was pulled alive from the rubble, 17 days after the collapse.
Gone are the days when dining in Prague meant gawping balefully at plates of stodgy dumplings.
Farrakhan says black leaders must address moral issues to make progress in the days ahead.
As any professional photographer must be these days, Muller is also something of an entrepreneur.
She spent her days in the lab, trying to figure out how to genetically engineer plants.
Most days, he attended Senate meetings and appeared on behalf of clients at the courthouse.
Maybe like me that man chose to live here, where there are days your heart dies.
When it comes to eccentric festivals, Frozen Dead Guy Days may take the cake.
Told they would be gone for a few days, the city's residents never returned.
The three Greek judges delivered their verdict on Friday afternoon, after three days of evidence.
Most days he's not even quite sure of the next stop on his frenetic travel schedule.
The article 'Two days in Siena, Italy' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.
Belcher talks about his tap dancing days on the streets of Pittsburgh in the 1930s.
Two days later, we arrived at a cluster of yurts to shelter from rain.
BBC: The way of the shepherd: Horse trekking through Kyrgyzstan
Sunday must have been one of the biggest days for charity fundraising the UK has seen.
Thanks to the bum economy, not many people are hitting the malls these days.
Race days unfurl with an introduction to the day's programme and to the competing teams.
The last three days of riding highlighted just how diverse La Route Verte can be.
But the fact she survived four days in the wilderness was cause for celebration.
Mr. JEFF DANIELS (Actor): (As Bernard Berkman) We're splitting up the week, alternating days.
If employers give only 30 days notice, then they must pay 30 days severance.
Someone can be infected with Ebola for up to 21 days before becoming symptomatic.
CNN: Up to three Ebola-infected travelers might fly each month
Venues like D-22 in the university district of Haidian are packed six days a week.
One would have hoped that these views of working women were relegated to bygone days.
This result only shows that you cannot take any side for granted these days.
Elizabeth I spent a few days here in 1558 on her way to be crowned.