Here's the kicker: There are also misleading signs that lead to a dead end.
That's because any more strolls down tobacco road are likely to lead to a dead end.
That was a dead end, but Schering was desperately seeking a thrombin receptor drug.
Minitel inevitably proved a dead end, and France remains a laggard in the global internet race.
Faced with this dead end twenty years ago, the late Gene Upshaw chose a different path.
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Prof Zambon said there were "fairly strong steers" that it would be a dead end.
The two men first tried to follow the money, but that led to a dead end.
"The Leno model is honestly a dead end, " says Douglas Creutz, an analyst at Cowen and Co.
Though once thought to have been our ancestors, the Neanderthals are now considered an evolutionary dead end.
His chemist colleagues saw Alzheimer's research as a dead end, but Lansbury switched his lab's focus to plaques.
His chemist colleagues viewed Alzheimer's research as a dead end, but Lansbury switched his lab's focus to plaques.
But it is Lamarck - who went up a scientific dead end - who is celebrated in France.
Though it may sometimes feel like it, having credit card debt to mend is not a dead end.
But the practical question is whether the investigation can continue - or will it only hit a dead end?
Some might hit a dead end with a lack of cooperation or evidence.
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It seems more efficient to follow in the footsteps of others rather than to wander down dead end roads.
Blackholing is a tactic which involves sending internet traffic into a dead end - rather than its intended destination.
You know, we often see women returning from maternity leave who are given less work or dead end assignments.
His last movements captured on CCTV showed him staggering down a dead end lane leading to wasteland and the river.
"When people find out that Maduro is not Chavez, it will be a dead end for him, " added Mr Magdaleno.
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They can choose a path that brings them back into the community of nations, or they can continue down a dead end.
For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end.
P. for Corporate Strategy David Johnson, has just left Dell this month to join Blackstone signaling a dead end for that pursuit.
Turns out this road, this awesome Sa Colobra road, is a dead end, servicing a small seaside town at its watery terminus.
If you reach a dead end, or do not have the time or inclination to keep looking yourself, there are companies like Ancestral Footsteps.
The key is to learn from the mistakes you made the first time and never head down that same dead end path again.
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One of the early indications that the one-way street is heading for a dead end is the ratio of declarative statements to questions.
Having a coach who only cares about themselves and cashing your check at the end of the week is a dead end road.
If IGF-1 fails, it wouldn't be the first time a rush to develop copycat cancer drugs has led drug firms into a dead end.
He was at a dead end in his life, and this program -- along with his wife -- (laughter) -- gave him an opportunity.
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