The dead girl's family later praised Lothian and Borders Police.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Teenager guilty of Jodi's murder
No one gives a man carrying the body of a young dead girl through the streets a second glance, but they balk at the idea of women wanting to vote.
Some woman got hypnotized a long time ago and said she used to be an Irish girl named Bridey Murphy, who died, and she had all these details, and there was a book, but reporters checked and the dead girl never existed.
The baby was eventually delivered at home at 14:00, but no heart beat was found and the infant was taken by helicopter to Raigmore where staff declared the girl dead.
Post-mortem tests on a baby girl found dead in a country lane in Greater Manchester have proved inconclusive, say police.
In one high profile case of a child who was kidnapped and murdered, she predicted that the little girl was dead before her body was discovered.
CNN: Visions of death: Can psychics 'see' what detectives cannot?
He gives children ritual pats on the cheek, but reveals his emotional detachment during a 1938 Munich "celebration for dead comrades" when, confronted by a girl convulsed with grief presumably for her dead father he administers a pat that amounts to the kind of whack one would give a playful dog.
And lastly, Jay, after the Tucson shooting that left Congresswoman Gabby Giffords seriously wounded and six others dead, including a little girl, the President wrote an op-ed, this is in 2011, in the Arizona Star, and he talked about the gun restrictions he favored.
The same weekend the man in Baltimore was attacked, in Chicago 10 people were killed and 40 were wounded, including a 6-year-old girl who was shot dead while she was playing on the front porch of her home in the Little Village neighborhood.
Security forces in Cambodia have shot dead a 15-year-old girl who was taking part in a land protest.
Several children, including an 18-month-old baby girl, were among the dead, and more than 30 people were wounded.
My best friend dead, miss you so much baby girl, my princess.
My roommate was a stocky blond girl from Wishek who was so dead set on becoming a nurse that she practiced bringing me things a cup of water or, when I had a headache, aspirin.
The dead were reported to include a 10-year-old girl, a three-month-old baby, a woman and four men.
The baby's grandfather found the young girl and rushed her to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead.
The girl was alone when she was found, having been left for dead by the man following the brutal attack, police say.
In the 1990s, Samia Sarwar Mohmand, a young Pathan girl who wanted to marry of her own free will was shot dead in the office of Pakistan's most relentless women's rights campaigner Asma Jehangir.
Emanuel and the Truth About Fishes (Francesca Gregorini): A troubled girl gets obsessed with her new neighbor, who looks just like her dead mother.
The girl's incapacity comes not just from the multiple mentions of her being dead in the video.
When police opened the container, eight out of the 13 asylum seekers were dead including boys aged four, nine and 12 and a 10-year-old girl.
The hearing also took place on the day it emerged that a 15-year-old girl who performed at President Obama's inauguration last week had been shot dead in Chicago.