All that science notwithstanding, Wall Street still wants a big deal out of David.
"This pushes any potential deal out at least a few quarters, " said Kovacocy.
Blue-collar workers, manufacturing workers actually being able to translate that into alternative energy, that's a big deal out there.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
Sometimes we make a big deal out of a processor and its innards, while other times we barely mention it.
ENGADGET: Primed: why nanometers matter (and why they often don't)
And what can we infer from the fact that the first big deal out of the box would be Dell?
Muto did get a book deal out of the experience, though, and "An Atheist in the Foxhole" (Dutton) is being released Tuesday.
But the company is not intent on dragging the deal out forever, and it seems increasingly eager for the fighting to end.
But there is a deal out there that's possible, and we do believe that the parameters of a compromise are pretty clear.
Didn't make a big deal out of it, but just sort of said, listen to when you're hungry, and when you're full, stop.
White House officials kept telling reporters they were making too big a deal out of Chavez, and should be focusing on Mr. Bush's agenda.
Careful now, I have no intention of making a big deal out of it, as if it were an act of bravery or defiance.
He was willing to walk away from a deal and, by doing so, made sure that Americans got a better deal out of the process.
But Yeltsin can see that it is inevitable and is determined to squeeze the best possible deal out of the West in return for grudging tolerance.
Huge insurance group Allianz is a 21% shareholder in Dresdner and stood to make an excellent side deal out of the aborted merger with Deutschebank back in March.
Couric is one of the few famous women who have been able to date a much younger man without the press making an enormous deal out of it.
"While we understand the reasons for increased security, we all also have dreams and ambitions and we're trying to get a great deal out of life, " he added.
My parents made a big deal out of it and now, as an adult, I truly recognize the important role it plays in my relationships and in my career.
If, on the other hand, his experience is isolated and all is well otherwise, I wouldn't make a big deal out of it -- especially given the Sudafed exposure.
Now SingTel seems to be about to snatch a small prize away from Li Ka-shing's Hutchison Whampoa and Singaporeans are so jubilant that they are making a big deal out of it.
Adults have this neurotic relationship with death, it gets blown out of all proportion, they make a huge deal out of it when in fact it's really the most banal thing there is.
All of that, plus liberalising textiles and limiting anti-dumping abuse, would do much to help poorer countries, who feel, with some justice, that they got a raw deal out of the Uruguay round.
With that deal out of the way Ghosn turns his attention in the waning days of March to closing the books on Nissan's fiscal year and to stoking vigilance, if not outright fear, in his lieutenants.
So go forth, friends, and use this new info to either make the switch or squeeze a better deal out of your current provider -- just remember, no matter how hard you try, you're just not gonna be able to get that unlocked GSM phone to play nice with Sprint or Verizon.
ENGADGET: Copyright Office rules that consumers can legally unlock cellphones
As part of their argument, the BlackRock and Pimco group, which has worked with Bank of New York Mellon, the trustee of the trusts covered in the deal, essentially pointed out that Schneiderman was nowhere to be found during the many months when the deal has hammered out.
FORBES: BlackRock and Pimco Investor Group Slams New York AG Schneiderman
They said Hicks was depressed and knew he could probably work out a deal to serve out the rest of his time in an Australian prison.
It's a case of negotiating with the current owners, TBI, thrashing out a deal and working out exactly how many "tens of millions" the airport is worth.
It has risen fairly rapidly since then as details of the Hangzhou deal come out, and also as a result of a much bigger deal in Shandong province announced in late July, as well as prospects for a 100, 000 vehicle EV Hangzhou rental program in addition to the 20, 000 vehicle leasing program discussed above.
To plug the gap the three governing parties, the conservative New Democracy, PanHellenic Socialist Movement and Democratic Left, may have to rip out a key plank in their joint policy-platform: a deal ruling out further across-the-board wage cuts for the civil service.