Cell phone manufacturers don't always design phones that are easy to clean up and debug.
If you want to test your controllers directly in your programming environment, you can uncomment the debug.
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"The ability to remotely configure and debug my networks has proven to be exceptionally useful, " he says.
And since Microsoft's source code is secret, outside software developers cannot debug it.
We provide anonymous crash logs from users that have opted in to third-party developers to help them debug their apps.
This lets developers test and debug applications that use CE-HTML video streams.
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By rewriting the game's code during "debug mode" AzzerUK turned off the game's disconnect timer so it never checked whether it was online or offline.
With the Visual Studio 2010 plugin, engineers can develop, debug and deploy their applications to an Android simulator, an Android device or the Android Application Store.
ENGADGET: Novell's Mono tools let devs create .NET apps for Android devices
BizTalk Orchestration features a drag and drop design tool, a runtime engine to execute and debug applications and a "binding architecture" for tying business processes with applications that automate them.
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This helps developers debug TV applications on their PCs.
ENGADGET: Opera promises cross-platform apps for Smart TVs, gives us little to complain about
This will happen when someone attempts to repeat, modify or debug a similar experiment and takes the time to examine all of the relevant raw data and decide for themselves how to interpret the experimental results.
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The PCB is attached to the watch with a maze of wires, and allows the team to prototype new software and debug the system before commissioning the final miniature board that will go inside the shipping product.
Kerberos gained pre-eminence because it is clever, and because its developers, computer scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, released the source code, which let security experts around the world debug and refine the program line by line.
Mono for Android consists of the core Mono runtime, bindings for native Android APIs, a Visual Studio 2010 plugin to develop Android applications, and a software development kit that contains all the tools needed to build, debug and deploy applications.
ENGADGET: Novell's Mono tools let devs create .NET apps for Android devices
If there was a Basic program that was written with the complexity of the IRC, I am sure that not only would the program not have worked, but if from this moment forward, no new features were added to it and all programming effort was devoted to debugging the existing code, it would certainly take centuries to debug.