The real question for the purposes of this case has been how long the deceit lasted.
Hamilton wasn't trying to diminish the magnitude of Armstrong's life of deceit, or his own.
Elizabeth attacks, and Basil and Dorothy fight back with whatever bluster or deceit they can pull off.
Of course, the question alone would do nothing to uncover deceit on the part of a determined terrorist.
This means that people in the profession have learned to live with an element of fraud or deceit.
FORBES: Everyone Wants Kool Aid: Pruning the Money Management Tree (October 29, 2008)
But in many ways the proposal is a deceit, for the net indebtedness of the government still rises.
Now McKeon and Campbell are locked in litigation, accusing each other in dueling lawsuits of deceit and betrayal.
Investors found to their dismay that's biggest Web venture was a web of deceit it had spun.
Both new species are deceit pollinators, Vale said, enticing bees to spread their pollen without a reward.
She did not seem shocked by his deceit, and she offered a functioning credit card at the front desk.
One of the mysteries they aim to solve is whether deceit orchids have greater diversity than other nectar-producing species.
Nick believes that Kent is in jail out of principle and not deceit.
Pettitte profusely apologized to the public for his initial deceit since he wanted to protect his father at all costs.
Mr Kay has also mentioned the possibility that Mr Hussein was the architect of the deceit, rather than its victim.
Are the tabloids a rough and ready Cerberus, guarding the public from malpractice and deceit, and keeping elites on their toes?
ECONOMIST: The courts will decide the price of ending the affair
They say the deceit has caused them lasting psychological damage, with symptoms including panic attacks, extreme paranoia and post-traumatic stress disorder.
"Tonight, Lance Armstrong finally acknowledged that his cycling career was built on a powerful combination of doping and deceit, " he said.
Treachery, deceit and intrigue are rampant in Five Points, and disguised little better behind the facades of the Fifth Avenue brownstone.
Chapter One from The Practice of Deceit: a Novel by Elizabeth Benedict.
But at the weekend the head of the French Council of Bishops, Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, described gay marriage as "the ultimate deceit".
BBC: French gay marriage and adoption bill backed by cabinet
So for my friends who think that perjury, lying and deceit are in some circumstances acceptable and undeserving of punishment I respectfully disagree.
Investigations revealed that his business dealings were all suspect and his entire life story was nothing but a web of lies and deceit.
FORBES: Fake South African Billionaire Arrested For Fraud, Homicide Charges
It was elemental, a gratuitous act of loving that had not involved flattery or deceit, and that was unaccompanied by shame or guilt.
They don't jump as high or run as fast, they don't pass with as much precision or feint with the same level of deceit.
Mrs Gillespie's deceit was uncovered by Church of England officials carrying out spot checks on the addresses of applicants before children were awarded places.
Activist and historian Mark Curtis - author of the book Web of Deceit - believes there are other lessons to be learned from Britain's colonial history.
But the latest thefts, at institutions supposedly in official care, and the sheer frequency of deceit, suggest that regulation of the market is far too slack.
The first introduces the idea of hospitality as a game of deceit and subtle manipulation, a theme Mr Browner returns to regularly in the pages to come.
Looking forward, we propose that accusations of this sort, particularly those that purport to reveal fatal flaws or deceit, be subjected to fact-finding and full peer-review before publication.
Lance Armstrong was another case study in deception and deceit.