Officials said they had decided to publish the guidance as part of the government's "drive for greater transparency".
She noted Doubleday decided to publish quickly in part to minimize the chance that it would leak on the Web.
She decided to publish a coda, titled "After Dead, " which comes out this fall and reveals the fate of more than 100 characters.
The Sunday Herald said it had decided to publish online the 821-page report from the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) in the case of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.
Morford decided to publish with a company called BookMasters.
David Dinsmore, managing editor of The Sun, said Thursday that his group "thought long and hard about this, " but ultimately decided to publish the images because news consumers could access them elsewhere.
Many Western newspapers decided it would be irresponsible to republish the cartoons (The Economist decided not to publish them, but defended the rights of newspapers to do so).
The community decided not to publish his name as a courtesy even though the news media did print his name.
Mr Obama has decided not to publish photos of Bin Laden's body, saying the images could pose a national security risk.
Mr Dutschke decided not to publish the material, Mr Curtis added.
So, Armentrout huddled with her agent and they decided to self-publish the book.
FORBES: The Fast-Track to Making a Million Dollars From Writing Books
He says that they were ready to publish a paper in a small dermatology journal but decided to pull it and publish more definitive results in a bigger journal.
But because we have gotten a couple of questions on the topic recently, we decided to rework it and publish it here as quickly as we could.
But genetic modification is so fraught with public accusations of corporate cover-ups and government conspiracies that the Lancet decided that it was right to publish.
It's partly to break that spell, and partly because there comes a point in any spiral of decline when a line has to be drawn, that 25 of the country's leading wildlife and conservation groups have decided to pool the misery and publish a single, shocking stock-take of the British Countryside.
So, in weighing our options, I decided to create my own publishing company, Nothing But The Truth LLC, to publish and distribute our anthology.
FORBES: An Industry in Turmoil: From Borders Bookstores to Self-Publishing
He says they were ready to publish a paper in a small dermatology journal, but decided last monthto pull the paper and publish more definitive results in a bigger journal.