The mile-deep well was pronounced dead in September when workers completed sealing it off.
Firstly, the two wells are monstrously deep well, with over 3, 000 feet net shale thickness.
Jonathan Snyder died while on night patrol, when he accidentally fell into a 60-foot-deep well.
On the far side we tumbled into Pakistan as into a deep well.
The 40m (131ft) deep well at the Jebel Amir mine in North Darfur caved in on Monday.
The engine behind the Madden franchise is an impossibly deep well of stats updated throughout every season.
Skelton, D-Missouri, warned Petraeus and Crocker they were staring into a deep well of skepticism and frustration on Capitol Hill.
Two years ago, or so, Chevron lost control of an earlier Hurricane Deep well and it had to be abandoned.
But more recent offerings, most of them memoirs rather than fiction, have drawn from a deep well of the no-less-tormenting post-colonial experience.
The company said that on Friday it had collected 6, 077 barrels of oil after placing a containment cap over the leaking, mile-deep well.
He said "Romeo and Juliet" is a fast and urgent play and both families are barely able to conceal a deep well of barbarism.
Ms. Quinn maintains a deep well of support in the city's gay community, said Jimmy Van Bramer, one of four openly gay members of City Council.
Oil from the mile-deep well may be collecting in underwater clouds, potentially endangering a cornucopia of life from the sea floor to the surface, preliminary sampling by university researchers suggests.
Also in the quarter, the Hurricane Deep well was lost when its operator Chevron lost control of the well, and it had to be plugged and abandoned with attendant write-downs.
Iger is hoping to release a new Star Wars film every two to three years by mining the deep well of characters and mythology in the Star Wars world.
FORBES: 'Star Wars' To Get The 'Lost' Treatment From Director J.J. Abrams
The combined company has a deep well of talent and a strong board and management team to lead us successfully as we continue to pave a new way forward for the 3D printing industry.
If Facebook is inching toward becoming a search engine, a deep well of questions and answers would be a nice addition to augment the ready-made streams of news and status updates that could make up its results.
PLC's failure to plug the mile-deep well that has been leaking oil since April is sending shudders down the spines of industry leaders who previously considered offshore exploration to be one of the last lucrative frontiers in the domestic oil business.
Last night BP alerted us to additional oil leaking from their deep underwater well.
Few (if any) other companies could seriously claim to so perfectly represent the scale and deep imaginative well of talent and innovation and marketing that Disney maintains.
Mario Francescotti, a senior manager at Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong, argues that the infrastructure for deep, well-functioning capital markets cannot be built without the participation of the dominant banks.
"The important thing to consider is that the Earth has a very deep gravity well so anything you can make in situ on the Moon will save an awful lot of energy and therefore money, " he said.
Connolly's devotion to the Islanders is so deep and well documented (he even owns a French bulldog named Gillies) that he was initially tapped to narrate "Big Shot, " only to have the film's producers ask him to take over as director when their first choice left the project.
The explosion and ensuing fire killed 11 workers and ruptured a well deep below the surface.
"They have been on my hips all season and today they just dug deep and ran well, " said Wariner.
Delta and Northwest each say they have to make deep cuts as well.
An explosion on an offshore rig killed 11 workers and ruptured a deep-sea well head, which took 84 days to seal.