Taking out a deferred tax benefit and other items, earnings were 36 cents per share.
Deferred tax liabilities, off-balance sheet debt, and asset write-downs result in a bloated balance of which most investors are not aware.
They not only have to experience the excruciation of deferred tax computations and the related disclosures, but also the relatively new rules on accounting for uncertain tax positions.
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Instead, the VAT holiday would be paid for by interest charged on the deferred tax, and the national-insurance cut would be funded by ditching various reliefs and allowances.
If deferred taxes must be invested in hiring people, some of those deferred tax dollars are going to come right back to the Treasury in the form of payroll taxes.
The corporate income tax is always a deferred tax.
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Banks would likely look at entrepreneurs who followed the rules and demonstrated a responsible track record with their deferred tax loans as better risks and be more willing to lend at competitive rates.
The goal here is to shift money from taxable accounts into those that are tax deferred or tax free, while you can.
But gains can be deferred for a long time, and a tax deferred is a tax diminished.
You get tax-deferred savings today and tax-deferred growth for decades to come.
Make the best use of funding tax-deferred and tax-free savings accounts, such as a Roth IRA, 401(K) plan, or 529 plans for college savings, etc.
Looking at the three sources of dollars he could tap in retirement -- taxable, tax-deferred and tax-free -- he determined that tax-free was best for him.
The primary benefits of contributing to an IRA are the tax deductions, the tax-deferred or tax-free growth on earnings and, if you are eligible, the non-refundable tax credits.
Earnings on these contributions are tax deferred, not tax free.
The reason rolling over is such a pleasure for taxpayers is that a tax deferred is a tax effectively reduced--or even eliminated, if you ultimately give the appreciated property to charity or bequeath it to your relatives.
The tax-deferred and the tax-free categories carry significant tax-reduction benefits, which frequently make these two sorts of accounts a more appealing place to hold retirement investments.
Traditional IRAs are funded with pretax money that grows tax deferred but is subject to tax upon withdrawal.
The money grows tax deferred and can be withdrawn tax free if used for "qualified educational expenses, " which include not just college but also private elementary and secondary tuition, tutoring and even a computer.
Money in 529 savings plans grows tax deferred and can be withdrawn federally tax free if used for certain educational expenses.
Simplifying names to something as basic as Tax-Deferred Until Retirement and Tax-Free In Retirement would help people understand how their savings would be treated in the future as well as the benefits of using more than one retirement account type.
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Investments grow tax deferred, and withdrawals for college expenses are tax free.
Tax free municipal bonds, or even tax deferred, fixed annuities, may be more tax friendly than corporate bonds and taxable CDs .
In theory, someone inheriting an IRA can stretch out withdrawals for his own projected lifespan, enjoying decades of tax deferred (or in the case of a Roth IRA, tax free) growth.
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The money in the HSA grows tax-deferred and can be withdrawn totally tax-free so long as it's used for medical expenses.
If you have taxable and tax-deferred accounts, you can also tax locate.
But all share a powerful attraction: Under Section 529 of the tax code, money put in them grows tax-deferred and can be withdrawn federally tax free so long as it's used to pay college costs.
In the past, Peter, 45, also made aftertax contributions to his 401(k)--meaning the money compounds tax-deferred but did not cut Peter's tax bill on the way in.
And their tax-deferred appeal could be at risk if Congress revisits their tax status.
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Another reason to consider deferred annuities is that they enable you to continue saving tax-deferred after you've maxed out your 401(k) and your IRA. You will still have to pay taxes as you withdraw the money.