The new westbound lane would extend three miles past the continental shelf, and contain traffic to a defined area over the whale feeding grounds.
Districts transcend the narrowness of community support as they force staff to focus on hundreds (or thousands in the case of India) of communities within a politically defined area.
FORBES: World Water Day 2013: An Inside Look at Water for People's Everyone Forever Initiative
Using the TV to pull up a custom Google Calendar module, Hemsley held the Droplet up to a defined area on the display, which then output a series of colors, transmitting data to the module.
Each HIDTA assesses the drug trafficking threat in its defined area for the upcoming year, develops a strategy to address that threat, designs initiatives to implement the strategy, proposes funding needed to carry out the initiatives, and prepares an annual report describing its performance the previous year.
WHITEHOUSE: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program
With more applications than places, the school would have to resort to admitting only pupils from within a defined catchment area.
Their ad platform enables local, regional or national marketers to target communities within a defined service area on local websites and content.
FORBES: Online Advertising, Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You
Ancient woodlands are defined as any area which has been under continuous tree cover for at least 400 years.
The researchers counted shop premises in the area defined as the "retail cores" by the Department for Communities and Local Government.
The milk must come entirely from cows living within the legally defined geographic production area for Parmigiano-Reggiano (around the towns of Parma and Reggio).
He would simply fall over to his left, unless his body curved rightward to ensure his combined centre of gravity remained within the area defined by his feet.
There is even a word for the very biggest, the megacity, sometimes defined as an urban area with a population of more than ten million.
In 1950, the world had exactly two megacities, New York and Tokyo. (A megacity is defined as a metropolitan area of 10 million people or more.) As of 2010, Earth had 23 megacities, 12 of them in Asia.
FORBES: Asia's Megacities Pose A Stark Environmental Challenge
Mr. Obama indicated he would go slow in an area that once defined Mr. Bush's foreign-policy agenda -- the promotion of democracy in the Middle East.
They must also possess an effective management structure, clearly defined boundaries and a sufficiently large area to permit significant sustainable economic development, primarily through tourism.
Large shops are defined as those with a relevant floor area exceeding 280 square metres.
The professional modules were defined based on the main target of the area, elaborated with the support of tourism specialist consultants.
FORBES: Can Teaching Brazilians New Languages Turn 'Wizard' Into A Billionaire?
Studies in this area have made use of large, defined cohorts, such as the Framingham Heart Study, to document risk factors in healthy populations, which are then followed for decades to see who develops heart disease.
As scientifically defined, pressure is the ratio of force to the area over which said force is distributed or applied.
Through my search for high quality advisors in the San Francisco Bay Area, I find a lack of a well defined philosophy or a reliance on rhetoric to often be at the core of advisor performance problems.
This is further helped by their terrain, which at first sight appears to be a tangled mass of mountains and hills running irregularly in all directions, but is actually hemmed in by well defined ranges on the outer periphery that make penetration of the area difficult.
There is a beveled and sharper edge in the area behind the front leg (3) and more defined lines on the back leg (4) .
The daily chart of the Dow Industrials shows a well defined trading channel with the upper boundary now in the 12, 400 area.
His domain was the Ahmedzai-Wazir tribal area which straddles the Afghan border and this proximity to Afghanistan defined his outlook and many of his loyalties.
Clear Capital also breaks down their data by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), or by cities and their surrounding suburbs as defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.
The Counsel General has a defined set of responsibilities to perform and is not precluded from undertaking private work provided it is not in a legal area which might cause conflict with Welsh Government devolved responsibilities.