And for the first time, he leads Senator Hilary Clinton in the delegate count.
Clinton allies saw that as favoring Obama, who has been leading in the pledged delegate count.
Mr Romney improved his delegate total to 634 against 263 for his closest rival, Mr Santorum.
Our starting point on super-delegate distribution is the delegate tally from Real Clear Politics.
Or you can delegate this function to a third-party wallet service such as Coinbase.
By not clarifying the few key priorities, leadership teams unintentionally delegate priority-setting to their people.
Ms. LUCILLE BURTON (Delegate): My name is Lucille Burton and I am from Youngstown, Ohio.
Tell me your stories about how you delegate, develop trust and how you did it.
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Delegate the task of fielding press calls to one or at most two people.
It may also encourage even more provocative action as a way to delegate power.
Will he be newly elevated or further diminished as he grinds out a delegate majority?
There s too much good food, said Bob Osky, a delegate from Oregon.
During McDermott's last eight years, he was the union delegate for the Patrolman's Benevolent Association.
Despite Clinton's 10 percent margin of victory, the delegate math may not change much for her.
Speake-Marin plans to gradually delegate operations until he can function purely as an ideas guy.
Mr. Abdullah Alneaimi, Permanent Delegate of the United Arab Emirates to UNESCO, and Mrs.
An alternative means of streamlining councils is for them to delegate power to a cabinet-style executive.
Republican state delegate David Ramadan filed a bill this year that would officially recognize Diwali day.
Some delegate this to outside firms and incorporate their e-mail campaigns into large, content management strategies.
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His wife, Melisse, was a Democratic delegate to the 1976 convention, which nominated Jimmy Carter.
You would not stand in the corner silently or shouting platitudes, nor delegate the event.
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In order to build a business that is greater than you, you must be able to delegate.
That means the entire program and purpose is Delegate-driven and determined and constantly adjusting to Delegate input.
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Ms. FLORENCE HOWARD (Delegate): It's almost like people who get along so well until they get married.
The candidates are also looking ahead to delegate-rich Florida, where Mr. Romney continues to lead in polls.
"He's rather shot our fox really" said the thoughtful delegate, already working out how best to respond.
Mostly, the statutes that govern Delaware's system of corporate law openly delegate decision-making authority to company directors.
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Control freaks don't delegate because they're afraid the people around them will not rise to the occasion.
Obama leads Clinton in the crucial delegate count -- 1, 369 to 1, 267, according to CNN calculations.
Ms Bokova has served as the Ambassador of Bulgaria to France as well as the nation's Permanent Delegate to UNESCO.
UNESCO: Irina Bokova of Bulgaria elected as UNESCO's 10th Director General