Channel 4 will deliver over 150 hours of coverage of the Paralympic Games and will cover key disability sport and sporting events in the run-up.
There are very credible voices who agree with the government's position - that the markets need to be reassured by signalling the scale of cuts the government expects to deliver over five years, and by beginning these cuts now.
Mr. King reiterated his belief that all that any central bank can deliver over the long term is price stability and that since monetary policy can only bring forward future spending, it is subject to the law of diminishing returns.
The media companies are also moving to sell more programs to Hulu competitors that deliver television over the Internet, including Netflix Inc.
At one point all three witnesses mentioned the potential of new forms of broadband competition, including efforts to deliver broadband over power lines (BPL).
Tariq Jahan helped deliver flour over the Turkish-Syrian border to refugees.
Evidently two years wasn't long enough to find an acceptable industry standard stack to deliver video over IP, so TiVo and the cable industry requested an extension.
ENGADGET: FCC clarifies set-top box IP interface requirement and extends deadline to 2014
Levin says Wall Street is also wary of fiber-optic networks because they may wind up facing competition from emerging wireless technologies such as WIMAX, a wireless technology that promises to deliver broadband over great distances.
This also encourages the company to maintain that expectation or even over deliver, in some cases.
FORBES: Bud Light Gives You Four Ways To Create A Powerful Brand
Some new logistics system that will deliver big savings over the long run will cost more money upfront.
Yes Television (whose planned public offering was also scrapped recently) and Video Networks both deliver their services over telephone lines.
However, we have been here before and it is an old corporate PR ploy to under promise and then over deliver.
To deliver packetized data over links not built for such services, cable used cable modems, and the telcos used DSL. Similar products, different technologies.
FORBES: Big Broadband's Secret Plan to Deliver Wildly Popular Content and Apps to Happy Consumers
And, with technology as the game changer as to how we can create and deliver our stories over a multitude of platforms not dependent, anymore, on big money, we can help a wide, diverse array of students develop into the kind of artists and scholars who can make a difference whether through mainstream or indie films, television, animation, digital media, DYI platforms, interactive games, experimental theater or Broadway.
Banks should exercise control over spending so that they can deliver services at affordable prices and over low cost, accessible channels like the Internet and mobile.
Stocks can deliver blockbuster size gains over long holding periods, but entry points do matter.
FORBES: History Shows Stocks A Bumpy Moon Shot In The Long Run
This is a terrific cost-effective solution for cable operators looking to deliver broadband content and over-the-top television to subscribers.
Pfizer alone expects to deliver 20 new drugs over the next five years.
Although these numbers disappointed investors, the company is notorious for under-projecting to over-deliver.
Apple tends to under-promise and over-deliver (UPOD) on guidance, so its outlook should always be taken with a grain of salt.
The mayor may also find himself under more pressure from his own side to deliver what they want over the next term.
On the other hand, the company is known to under-promise and over-deliver.
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"We believe we have a platform that will deliver a superior return over time, " Dimon said on a conference call earlier this month.
Despite pressure from policy makers, it does not make sense from a commercial standpoint for large banks to deliver micro-loans over their costly infrastructures.
FORBES: Put The 'Small' Back In The Small Business Administration
On the other hand, Apple is known to under-promise and over-deliver.
Inverse ETFs offer a way for investors to bet on a fall in an asset class but they may not always deliver such a return over an extended period.
And I think that's one of the reasons people have seen him deliver that so passionately over the past couple of days, because it kind of reminds him of all the years he spent in public life.