In economics we can often observe the fact that a dependentvariable is not always able to move immediately after a fortuitous change in an independent variable.
Data is also collected on the call for violent jihad in the form of materials given out at the mosque or promoted by the local imam or mosque leadership - the dependentvariable.
To examine this phenomenon further, I ran multiple regression analyses with the party score as the dependentvariable and various institutional data points (controlling for tuition, proportion of students receiving Pell grants, overall enrollment, average SAT scores and whether schools were public or private) as the independent variables.
With this sort of contract, the owner of a big, highly appreciated stock position gets an upfront payment from an investment firm--typically for 75% to 85% of the value of his shares--in exchange for agreeing to deliver a variable number of shares or cash in the future, with the exact amount dependent on how the stock performs.