In Cologne, critics deplore the proposed mosque's visibility, and the height of its minarets.
"I deplore the leaks that have taken place, " he said on a trip to Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Deplore, if you want, the fact that the rich are getting richer faster than the poor are.
Others used the opportunity to plead for information about the shooting and to deplore such senseless violence.
They deplore the Islamist pull of Erdogan's party but a coup would scramble the country's democratic evolution altogether.
So we strongly condemn and deplore any and all violence against Afghan civilians.
Grown-ups may deplore that youngsters don't even say hello properly, but we do so among members of our own group.
By comparison, the front-runners seem creatures of their electoral machines, less able to reverse the pervasive cynicism that candidates all deplore.
There are all sorts of reasons to deplore the fact that banks would once again be propped up by public money.
"We deplore that this resolution was used to introduce this precedent, " Mexican Ambassador to the United Nations Adolfo Aguilar Zinser said after the session.
Federalists deplore the proposed overriding of a core competence of states.
And so it is with rudeness, because while most of us deplore it, new research suggests that we also see it as a sign of power.
Ohio politicians deplore plant closings even as they impose the third highest corporate income tax in the country (10.5%) and the sixth highest personal income tax (8.87%).
The administration has proposed a host of increases in user fees and tobacco taxes to raise revenue that could offset higher spending, a strategy the Republicans deplore.
Iraq's neighbours deplore Mr Hussein and his cronies, but argue that it is not he or they who would be the prime victims of any further damage to Iraq's economy.
The Tories deplore the limits Labour has placed on choice in education new controls on self-governing schools, the abolition of assisted places in private schools, and the threat to the remaining selective grammar schools.
We deplore the predations of rapacious deer together.
WSJ: Joe Queenan on the Sound of One Neighbor Misbehaving | Moving Targets
Thus did Judge Richard Posner, in the recent Apple and Motorola case, deplore the misuse of patents governing smartphones and, in no uncertain terms, chastise both sides as he dismissed their respective claims.
Though jazz fans are always prone to deplore the omission of personal favourites, the most obvious gap in Mr O'Meally's assortment is not his fault: Ray Charles's managers apparently refused permission for his work to be included.
Dower is not the first writer to describe the trials as "victors' justice" or to deplore the hypocrisy in branding as war criminals people who would soon not only walk free but serve in senior government posts.
Wales's language disputes are certainly nothing to those of Belgium, where personal relations between the Flemish and Walloon communities can be rancorous, or of Quebec, where English-speakers have left in droves. (In fact, the English continue to come to Wales in substantial numbers, something many language activists deplore.) Even those who do not speak the language say they are proud of it.