The next day, Good Friday, he found the church stripped as a sign of desolation.
With such light touches, Defoe domesticates the desolation of island life, making it seem bearable, even attractive.
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But the destruction and desolation is equal to that done by any war.
The book's narrow focus intensifies both the narrative drama and Michel's inner desolation.
Seeing the desolation in places, all those things bring to mind some of the parables that come to life in the scriptures.
Amid the desolation, the Japanese could take comfort from the thought that knowledge passed down over the generations had saved some lives.
For eight miles, with the exception of Temple University and its hospital, there was nothing to see but shocking levels of urban desolation.
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They presented the hymnwriter as a fragile and precarious being, often poised on the brink of desolation and desperate for the deity's comforting hand.
Yet "The Road, " for all its vivid desolation, remains a curiously unmoving experience or maybe not so curious, given that nothing really happens in it.
That leaves The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in mid-December.
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Those with longer memories remember him as a film-music wizard whose scores for Paris, Texas (1984) and the Southern blues myth Crossroads (1986), among many, brought a spooky desolation to Hollywood storytelling.
Only then are we allowed to watch as "Ahab dropped a tear into the sea" and talks about the young wife he has left behind, the "desolation of solitude" his life has been.
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We needn't accept the diagnosis, but it's hard to resist the thought that the dark view of the world that came on Churchill in his moods of desolation enabled him to see what others could not.
The temptation to surge on First Avenue can come from the feeling of redemption that comes not only from the wall of sound one encounters on the avenue, but from surviving the desolation of the Queensboro Bridge.
But even within The Hobbit Trilogy itself there may be technical improvements in post-production that will address some of these issues in the forthcoming installments, The Desolation of Smaug (to be released on December 13, 2013) and There And Back Again (July 18, 2014).
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