One of these sweatshop factories had made clothes destined for the UK in recent months.
Not so long ago, government-controlled companies were regarded as half-formed creatures destined for full privatisation.
The dream she sells is that of an ambitious, driven, determined woman destined for success.
Needless to say, not every child exposed to lead is destined for a life of crime.
The supplies were destined for the Afghan National Army, a spokesman for NATO in Kabul said.
So, what happens when UPS gets ahold of those parcels destined for air delivery?
ENGADGET: Inside UPS' Worldport: How a shipping titan moves 2,000 packages every 17 seconds
Carpenter made a lot of money at Carrier, but he always felt destined for something better.
"She was definitely destined for success, " her publicist Sarit Tomlinson, from Capacity Relations, told the BBC.
So who is destined for the play-offs and who will end up in a relegation scrap?
Some players become Test crickers, others - like Clarke - are destined for it.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Counties | Hampshire | Clarke hopes to bloom at Rose Bowl
Not that it mattered much: The song wasn't exactly destined for the Billboard charts.
WSJ: We Can All Have a Slice of Pi | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten
In the past prefectural administrations have often siphoned off money destined for their subordinate counties.
He grew up in Tachira, a devoutly Catholic Andean state, and was destined for the priesthood.
Much of it was destined for South Korea and Japan: the habit there dates from wartime days.
That fact seems destined for the biology section of Snopes after scientists found a quadruple helix.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 1.26.13: quadruple DNA helixes, Byzantine mutants and battling hospital bugs
Hayden admitted to feeling calm at the crease and that he was destined for a big score.
Gasoline was running toward 50 cents a liter in the U.S. and seemed destined for 75 cents.
They said the books were "full of loveable characters on wacky adventures" and destined for "great things".
The picture had been destined for the Caravaggio blockbuster that opened at London's National Gallery last month.
Pigs destined for slaughter are often seen crammed excruciatingly tightly in cages on the backs of lorries.
In 1989, 90% of Lodz's people were in textiles and fibres, mostly destined for the Soviet Union.
Scandinavian Airlines Flight 908, bound for Oslo, Norway, was directly behind ExpressJet Flight 4226, destined for Nashville, Tenn.
If more wine were finding its way into European gullets, less would be destined for the gas pumps.
Thinking this was hugely inefficient, I appropriated an IBM Selectric typewriter that was destined for the trash heap.
Though Rogers received a law degree from Osgood Hall Law School in 1961, he seemed destined for communications.
ADM's core business is the processing of commodities like corn, which are destined for food or beverage products.
The animal protesters are angry about a shipment of sheep destined for the Eid-el-Kebir Muslim festival outside Paris.
At present, most commodities and aid destined for Tajikistan come through Russia from the Baltic ports or Vladivostok.
The navy, says Bhagwat, seized not just large caches of arms but also heroin destined for West Asia.
Rather inconveniently, some of the paratroopers destined for the Gulf have this week been covering for striking fire-fighters.