One big determinant is the number of trim levels available for any given vehicle.
Products sold without service are commodities and after quality, the only determinant left is price.
Beyond that, the condition of the frame is a huge determinant: Has it been cut down?
In choosing whether to choose brain enhancements, competition with peers is a crucial determinant.
The ethical path may be a strong determinant of success in the long term.
The major determinant of how much housework a man did was how much he disliked it.
Rising income becomes less important as a determinant of our income as we become richer, sure.
But what is going to be the determinant of whether that Bureau keeps its spectrum?
This increases the competitive pressure, which the results suggest is an important determinant of improving outcomes.
"If they can get enough renewable, low-cost electricity, that's a big determinant, " he told BBC News.
But as talks continued, spot prices, a determinant of contract prices, began to rise.
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That is why the most important determinant of America's economic outlook is the American consumer himself.
Assuming demand holds up of course: and there the big determinant is the urbanisation of China.
Independent designated the importance of professional standards and public interest as the sole determinant of media content.
Both are arguing that the determinant should be the one resource that they themselves are rich in.
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The assumption was that England's class system would prove to be the main determinant of their future.
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For businesses, the capacity to participate in markets for healthcare will be a major determinant of future growth.
Still, he was wary of the pitfalls of relying on the social networks as a determinant of success.
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The last part of the NII determinant refers to any net gain from the disposition of a property.
Approval from the Food and Drug Administration is not the only determinant of how doctors prescribe a medicine.
It is the first and most powerful determinant of your levels of participation and passion, regardless of the undertaking.
Three days earlier the job market, a key determinant of his re-election chances, took a turn for the better.
There's a racial determinant -- it's much more common in whites than African-Americans.
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Both candidates concentrate on education, which is a major determinant of both poverty rates and the growth of inequality.
Yet the main determinant of whether people die at home seems to be the place in which they live.
If you are convinced that skill is the prime determinant of results, pay a lot of attention to past results.
Instead, the FTC and DOJ look to the impact on consumer welfare as the ultimate determinant in making their assessments.
The Federal Reserve was obliging rule-based behavior that probably included making the price of gold a primary determinant in monetary policy.
And his analysis is simplistic: the government's spending priorities are not the sole determinant of whether you break rocks or read books.
Look, the single most important determinant of how we do as an economy is going to be how educated our workforce is.