GM, like the rest of Detroit, poured its development money into trucks and SUVs.
Pinnacle's managing director Graham Reed said this development was "a complete surprise and shock to us".
BBC: Horsemeat: Compass and Whitbread find horse DNA in products - BBC News
They play a central role in sustainable development by supplying all our fresh water.
We can prevent violence by enhancing early brain development and reducing exposure to toxins.
Research conducted by the UKNC for the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals helped develop this Bill.
UNESCO: Welsh First Minister hosts UNESCO reception with the UKNC
His research interests in the Geoenvironmental Engineering field range from the basic to commercial development.
School Principals in many developing countries receive little, if any, leadership and development training.
Of course, robochemistry slashes only those costs incurred at the front end of drug development.
And the relaxed attitude of the Lao people in general should help mitigate development greed.
Now Assouline is at it again, in search of investors for a new development in China.
Three recent developments at the FDA will further increase the time and cost of drug development.
With development crashing through the hutong, this is a restaurant to visit sooner rather than later.
The UNESCO Chair in Gender Research strengthens the coordination and development of policy-relevant gender equality research.
Each support international understanding, peace, intercultural dialogue, sustainable development and quality education in practice.
The UK continued to play an instrumental role in the early development of UNESCO.
But the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) says fewer appeals resulted in changed grades.
As of last week, Amgen had 14 medicines in these later stages of development.
One blockbuster from Pouletty would likely set off a wave of anti-addiction drug development.
This year, the massive new CityCenter development of hotels, condo towers and stores drew the top toques.
They sought donations for a local madrassah project and a legitimate international development British charity, Muslim Aid.
Maples, who oversaw the development of the Windows 95 operating system at Microsoft, is now an adviser.
This means they briefly leave their temperature-controlled environment and single daily snapshots of their development are possible.
Sadly, rapid modern development has seen their numbers dwindle to just a few hundred in recent years.
The UNESCO Chair develops the political economy of education comparatively within the context of international development objectives.
Welsh Economic Development Minister Andrew Davies said the studios would become "a major economic catalyst for the area".
Apple engineers could help with its development, to ensure that whatever legitimate performance issues they had were accommodated.
Bee populations in the UK have fallen with the destruction of their homes due to industry and development.
It was a term that inspired the development of a new economically independent sub-culture, simultaneously exciting and terrifying.
The petition will be given to the UN during the 2013 Millennium Development Goals Summit in September 2013.
Wambugu won the World Bank award for global development in 2000 after introducing the tissue-culture banana to Kenya.