Development policy efforts cannot be effective without security, and peacekeeping efforts will lead to nothing if there are no development prospects.
We focused on creating new partnerships and economic development prospects in Livermore, the eastern-most region of the San Francisco East Bay area.
"Although migrant workers are to a large extent adversely affected by the slow growth in the global economy, remittance volumes have remained remarkably resilient, providing a vital lifeline to not only poor families but a steady and reliable source of foreign currency in many poor remittances recipient countries, " agrees Hans Timmer, director of the bank's Development Prospects Group.
When you start to look at the prospects of development workflows shifting around 3D games, you have to say that they are fairly bleak.
The current economic downturn and increasing food prices are jeopardizing prospects for educational development.
For poor countries, undeniably, it makes a big difference to the prospects for economic development.
At the end of the expert meeting aimed to discuss issues and prospects of museum development in CIS countries in the context of contemporary culture, expert recommendations were elaborated on further development of museum partnership and improvement of museum policies.
Societe General Asset Management senior economist Akio Yoshino said the new development "casts uncertainty over the prospects for the investment stance of foreign investors who had already turned active sellers".
The report concluded that medical evidence, though thin in some areas, suggests that children with homosexual parents face the same prospects for their health and development as those with heterosexual parents.
Without this natural capital maintained, and restored where it has been lost or degraded, our prospects for long-term economic development are weak at best, and likely doomed to failure.
FORBES: Conservation International: Stemming the Tide of Environmental Crises, Part Five
Third, the, G-20 is committed to complementing existing development efforts by focusing on addressing regional challenges to development and working through multilateral institutions to improve prospects for growth in developing countries.
Keep these three tips in mind when you are considering graduate school to ensure the highest possible return on your investment in terms of both short-term employment prospects and long-term career development.
Exxon has been consistently investing in upstream facilities over 2012, and key examples include the Kearl Initial Development Project for natural gas and offshore oil prospects such as the Phobos in the Gulf of Mexico.
FORBES: After Exxon's Ho-Hum Year Can Higher Oil Demand Could Lift Results?
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said prospects for peace could be boosted by the new development - and Israel regarded such a cabinet as a partner.
Asked about the prospects of a coalition government, Annan said such a development would have to emerge from talks among Syrians.
While the company has three U.S. projects under development, Taubman has opened a Hong Kong office to search for Chinese prospects.
Prospects seemed positive when the Vietnam government began offering licenses for beach development in the mid-1990s.
"I can tell you that we are actively working a number of lead prospects from Minnesota, " said Pat Costello, Daugaard's commissioner of economic development, though he wouldn't reveal any.
"China and the United States share extensive common interests and broad prospects for cooperation on a series of major issues important to mankind's peace and stability and development, " Hu said, naming the economy, climate change and cultural exchanges among those issues.
On a sweltering afternoon in March, Eoin Slavin, an executive at Rio-based development firm Landis, wandered the mostly forgotten working-class neighborhoods in the shadow of the elevated highway searching for prospects.